10 Barriers to Education That Children Living in Poverty Face

Children living in poverty face several barriers to education. Many of these barriers are due to poverty itself, but others are due to the fact that many children living in poverty do not have access to quality education.

Here are 10 of the most common barriers to education that children living in poverty face:

1. Lack of resources.

Children living in poverty often have less access to resources such as books, pencils, and teachers. This can lead to low academic achievement and decreased chances of getting a good job.

2. Limited access to quality education.

Many schools in poverty neighborhoods are overcrowded, have insufficient resources, and lack the resources necessary to provide a quality education.

3. Lack of transportation.

Many children living in poverty do not have access to reliable transportation which can make it difficult to get to school.

4. Limited access to nutritious food.

Many schools in poverty neighborhoods do not have access to good food leading to low academic achievement and obesity.

5. Limited access to health care.

Children living in poverty often have limited access to health care which can lead to health problems that can interfere with school.

6. Limited access to clean water.

Many schools in poverty neighborhoods do not have access to clean water which can lead to several health problems.

7. Limited access to safe neighborhoods.

Children who live in unsafe neighborhoods are more likely to have low academic achievement and be at risk for other problems such as substance abuse.

8. Limited access to quality housing.

Children who live in poorly-built or unsafe homes are more likely to have low academic achievement and be at risk for other problems such as housing instability.

9. Limited access to quality education resources.

Many schools in poverty neighborhoods do not have the resources necessary to provide a good education like textbooks and computers.

10. Limited access to good jobs.

Children who live in poverty often do not have access to good jobs which can lead to low incomes and lack of opportunities.

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