10 Fun Gym Games to Get Kids Moving

Looking to get your children moving? Here are ten fun gym games to get them started. Each will have them working up a sweat, and with just a few minutes of play, they’ll be hooked on the fun!

1. Jumping Jacks

This game is simple but effective. Players take turns jumping over a jack. When the jack is close to the player, they must pull out their hand and place it over the jack, then jump back. The player with the most jacks completed before the end of the game wins.

2. Tumbleweed

Tumbleweed is another simple game. Players take turns tumbling down a slope. When they reach the bottom, they must hide. The player who hides the most during the game wins.

3. Two-by-Two

Two-by-Two is a game that is both physical and mental. Players take turns trying to collect as many pieces of square as possible. The player with the most pieces at the end of the game wins.

4. Mirror Match

Mirror Match is another simple game. Players take turns trying to catch a glimpse of their opponent in the mirror. The player with the most Mirror Match at the end of the game wins.

5. Towers

Towers is a game that can be played with or without a ball. Players take turns by moving a piece of furniture up a staircase. The player who completes the most Towers before the end of the game wins.

6. Whack-a-Mole

Whack-a-Mole is a simple game that can be played with or without a ball. Players take turns hit a mole with a stick. The player who hit the mole the most times before the end of the game wins.

7. Scissors

Scissors is a game that is simple but effective. Players take turns trying to cut a piece out of a board. The player with the most pieces at the end of the game wins.

8. Hitting a Mouse

Hitting a Mouse is a simple game that can be played with or without a ball. Players take turns trying to hit a mouse with a dart. The player who hits the mouse the most times before the end of the game wins.

9. Jenga

Players take turns putting together pieces of the Jenga tower. The player who completes the most pieces before the end of the game wins.

10. Clapping

Players take turns clapping their hands. The player who claps the most times before the end of the game wins.

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