10 Supply and Demand Activity Ideas for Your Students


Teaching supply and demand to students can often be challenging, but with the right activities, you can help them better understand this important economic concept. Here are 10 engaging and fun supply and demand activity ideas that will help your students grasp the fundamentals of this economic principle.

1. Lemonade Stand Simulation:

A classic way to teach supply and demand using a lemonade stand simulation. Divide the class into small groups, each group running their own lemonade stand. Encourage them to set prices, determine production levels, and adjust pricing based on factors like weather and customer preferences.

2. Role-Playing Activities:

Organize role-playing activities where students act as buyers or sellers to simulate real-life market scenarios. For instance, have some students act as shopkeepers selling candy while others act as customers with varying budgets.

3. Prices Auction:

Hold an auction in which several items are auctioned off to the highest bidder. Have students bid on these items using play money provided earlier. Analyze the data and discuss the relationship between supply, demand, and item prices.

4. Real-Life Market Research:

Send students on a market research mission where they will visit stores as “secret shoppers” to observe product pricing strategies and inventory levels. Then, have them share their findings with the class for an open discussion on supply and demand dynamics.

5. The Stock Market Game:

Introduce your students to the stock market by having them select a stock of their choice or assigning one to them. Over a predetermined period of time, track its performance together as a class and discuss how changes in supply or demand influence stock prices.

6. Product Creation Activity:

In groups or individually, have students create a product from scratch by considering both cost of materials and target audience needs or wants. This exercise encourages students to think about product pricing based on market demand.

7. Price Controls Simulation:

Teach your students about price ceilings and price floors using a simulation activity. Create different market scenarios with predetermined prices or price limits and have students analyze the impact on supply and demand.

8. The Elasticity Experiment:

Introduce concepts of elastic and inelastic goods by having students calculate the cross elasticity of demand for certain combinations of products. For example, they can compare how the demand for coffee changes when the price of tea changes.

9. Case Studies:

Analyze real-life case studies that focus on supply and demand principles, such as the De Beers diamond market or the OPEC oil crisis. Encourage students to identify key factors that influenced the markets in each case and discuss strategies adopted by key players in response.

10. News Analysis Activity:

Create a weekly or monthly news analysis activity where students research news articles related to supply and demand issues. Have them present their findings to the class, highlighting major points that illustrate the concepts they’ve learned.


A variety of activities can keep your economics lessons fresh while allowing students to develop a deep understanding of supply and demand principles. These 10 engaging activity ideas will surely help spark curiosity and facilitate critical thinking among your students as they explore these fundamental economic concepts.

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