10 Teacher Picks for Best Tech Tools

1. Google Docs

Google Docs are a great way to keep track of assignments and classwork. They’re also great for collaborative working, allowing multiple users to work on a document at the same time.

2. PowerPoint

PowerPoint is a great tool for creating presentations and other types of visual content. It’s also great for creating diagrams and graphics.

3. Evernote

Evernote is a great tool for taking notes and keeping track of your work. It’s also great for keeping a collection of notes and ideas.

4. Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word is a powerful word processing program great for creating documents and letters.

5. OneNote

OneNote is a great tool for taking notes and keeping track of your work

6. Amazon Kindle

Amazon Kindle is a great tool for reading electronic books and newspapers. It’s keeping track of your reading habits.

7. iCloud

iCloud is a great tool for keeping your devices and files in sync for sharing files between devices.

8. Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is a great tool for creating graphics, images logos, and other types of design work.

9. iTunes

iTunes is a great tool for organizing, playing music, and rating and reviewing songs.

10. Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox is a great tool for surfing the web and protecting your privacy. It’s also protecting your computer against viruses and other types of malwares.

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