10 Women’s History Month Activities for Kids to Bring Her Story to Life in the Classroom

Celebrating Women’s History Month with children is an excellent opportunity to teach them about the significant contributions women have made throughout history. Here are ten engaging activities for kids that will help to bring her story to life in the classroom:

1. Create a Women’s History Month Bulletin Board: Encourage students to research and create posters about influential women. They can include facts, quotes, and illustrations. Display all the posters on a classroom bulletin board during the month.

2. Host a Biography Reading Hour: Select books that highlight the lives of various notable women from different backgrounds. Each day, read a chapter or story to your class and engage the kids in a discussion about her achievements.

3. Write Letters to Inspirational Women: Have students write letters expressing their admiration to living women who have made an impact on society. This exercise teaches children the art of letter writing as well as gratitude.

4. Stage a Wax Museum: Students can pick a historical woman, research her life, and then “become” that person for a day. They can dress up like her and explain her life’s achievements to visitors of the classroom wax museum.

5. Women’s History Month Daily Facts: Start each day with a new fact about an important woman in history. This could be done during morning announcements or at a specific time during class.

6. ‘Herstory’ Book Club: Form a book club that focuses on literature by or about women who have made history. Discuss themes, historical contexts, and the achievements detailed in the books.

7. Women in Science Experiments: Highlight female scientists by conducting experiments pioneered or invented by women. This could range from experiments based on Marie Curie’s work with radioactivity to Rosalind Franklin’s contributions to understanding DNA.

8. Create Timeline Murals: In groups, have students build timelines of women’s history across various disciplines such as politics, science, arts, etc. Use creative materials and allow them to present their timelines to their classmates.

9. Interview Local Sheroes: Facilitate interviews with local influential women either by bringing them into the classroom or via video chat. Prepare questions with your students beforehand which can relate to their struggles, accomplishments, and advice for young girls.

10. Women’s History Scavenger Hunt: Organize a scavenger hunt where students find information on different influential women around your school or designated area – possibly using QR codes that link to videos and facts about each woman included in the activity.

These activities can stimulate discussion and foster an environment of respect and admiration for female contributions throughout time while making learning about women’s history interactive and fun for kids!

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