100 Accommodations for Students With Learning and Behavioral Disabilities

Just 100 simple interventions that you can use to help learning disabled students succeed.

  1. Provide study carrels.
  2. Use room dividers.
  3. Provide headsets to muffle noise.
  4. Seat learner away from doors and windows.
  5. Seat learner near model.
  6. Provide a time-out area.
  7. Rearrange learner groups.
  8. Group for cooperative learning.
  9. Vary working surfaces.
  10. Simplify and/or shorten instructions.
  11. Give both oral and written directions.
  12. Have learner repeat directions.
  13. Have learner repeat learning objective.
  14. Ask frequent questions.
  15. Change question level.
  16. Change response format
  17. Provide sequential directions.
  18. Use manipulatives.
  19. Alter objective criterion level.
  20. Provide functional tasks
  21. Reduce the number of items on a task.
  22. Highlight relevant words/features.
  23. Use picture directions.
  24. Provide guided practice.
  25. Provide practice.
  26. Increase allocated time.
  27. Use a strategic approach.
  28. Change reinforcers.
  29. Increase reinforcement frequency.
  30. Delay reinforcement.
  31. Increase wait time.
  32. Use physical warm-up exercises.
  33. Use specific rather than general praise.
  34. Have a peer tutor program.
  35. Provide frequent review
  36. Have the learner summarize at the end of the lesson.
  37. Use self-correcting materials.
  38. Adapt test items for differing response methods.
  39. Teach mnemonic devices.
  40. Provide reinforcers.
  41. Use behavioral contracts
  42. Establish routines for everything.
  43. Use timers to show allocated time.
  44. Teach self-correctio.
  45. Provide visual cues.
  46. Block out extraneous stimuli on written material.
  47. Tape-record directions.
  48. Tape-record learner responses.
  49. Use a study guide.
  50. Provide a critical vocabulary list for the content material.
  51. Provide a key fact list.
  52. Use clock faces to teach time
  53. Use dotted lines to align up math problems.
  54. Provide directions for transitions.
  55. Assign only one assignment at a time.
  56. Provide discussion questions.
  57. Use word markers for reading.
  58. Alter sequence.
  59. Highlight keywords on test items.
  60. Provide assignment sheets.
  61. Post schedule.
  62. Use graph paper for place value.
  63. Provide cues.
  64. Establish rules and review frequently.
  65. Teach major direction words.
  66. Use practice.
  67. Provide pencil grips.
  68. Tape paper to desk or table
  69. Shorten assignments into daily tasks.
  70. Segment directions.
  71. Number assignments to be completed.
  72. Change far-point to near-point material for copying.
  73. Put desk close to the board.
  74. Integrate currently popular characters into assignments for motivation.
  75. Repeat significant points.
  76. Use physical cues while speaking.
  77. Pause during speaking.
  78. Use verbal cues.
  79. Change tone of voice, whisper, etc.
  80. Use an honor system.
  81. Collect notebooks weekly to review learner’s notes.
  82. Reorganize exams to go from easy to hard.
  83. Color code place value assignments.
  84. Use autodidatic materials.
  85. Do only odd or even-numbered items.
  86. Use a typewriter or large print for written material.
  87. Provide organizers for desk materials.
  88. Teach varied reading rates.
  89. Provide content/lecture summaries.
  90. Use peer-medicated strategies.
  91. Call the learner’s name before asking a question.
  92. Use extra spaces between lines of print.
  93. Color code materials/directions.
  94. Use raised-line paper.
  95. Provide calculators.
  96. Circle math computation sign.
  97. Use hand signals to cue behavior.
  98. Establish a rationale for learning.
  99. Use advance organizers.
  100. Help learners develop their own learning strategies.
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