100+ Argumentative Essay Topics

Are you a student looking for argumentative essay topics? If so, we have you covered. Below you will find a list of the best argumentative essay topics.

Argumentative Essay Topics (General)

  • Do you think that abortion should be made illegal?
  • Do you think that animal testing should be banned?
  • Is the #metoo movement a great thing?
  • Do you think that manufacturers are responsible for the effects of the chemicals used in creating their products?
  • Do you think that illegal immigrants be granted residency?
  • Is there a fake news problem? What is the source?
  • Do you believe that “big pharma” has people’s best interests at heart?
  • Is the death penalty a just punishment?
  • Are there moral concerns that make genetic cloning illegal?
  • What Do you think that people do to stop human trafficking?

Argumentative Essay Topics About Politics

  • Which political party has the right ideology?
  • What Do you think that be done to reduce income inequality?
  • Is paying down the US deficit the most essential issue of our time?
  • Do you believe that the Federal Reserve needs to stop printing money because it creates an unsustainable bubble?
  • Is capitalism the best economic system?
  • Is socialism the best economic system?
  • Is America ready for a female president?
  • Do you think that an elected leader represents the interests of their own political party, or is it best to try to compromise?
  • What modern political decision has created the most change?
  • Do you believe that campaign finance reform works?

Argumentative Essay Topics About Society & Culture

  • When will LGTBQ individuals experience equality?
  • Is healthcare a fundamental human right?
  • Do you think that TV censors explicit content because programmers must produce family-friendly programming?
  • Social media brings us together and pulls us apart; Do you believe that the great outweighs the bad or vice versa?
  • Is a gap year time for exploration and reflection or a year-long vacation?
  • Many states have begun to decriminalize the possession of certain drugs like marijuana; is this a great idea?
  • Equality is part of lawmaking, but do you believe that it works in practice?
  • Do you think that people have the right to own a gun?
  • In cases of terminal illness, Do you think that a patient should be able to request medically assisted suicide?
  • Do you think that smoking should be illegal?
  • What is the best way to foster positive conversation about controversial issues?

Argumentative Essay Topics About History

  • Many people think that we learn from the past, but there are many patterns in history. Do you think history repeats itself?
  • How did the US Civil War make the nation best or worse?
  • Thomas Jefferson made considerable contributions to the founding of America, both as a writer and a politician. However, he didn’t live a perfect life. Was he a hero?
  • Do you believe that our modern perspective changes the “truth” of what happened during major historical events?
  • Pick a past decade and discuss if lower socio-economic classes had opportunities at that time.
  • Did the handling of Native Americans leave a moral stain on the US?
  • Slavery was a foundational part of the American colonies and, later, the United States. So how did this injustice change the nation?
  • What factors led to the rise of Naziism in Germany and to the Holocaust?
  • The plague destroyed the population of Europe and changed the course of history. So what was its biggest lesson?

Argumentative Essay Topics for Kids in Elementary School

  • Do you think that there be commercials in kids’ programs?
  • Do you believe that homework help kids learn?
  • Do you think that school should be all year?
  • Do schools treat girls and boys the same way?
  • Do you think that parents limit screen time?
  • Do you think that school start before eight o’clock in the morning?
  • Do you think that kids be able to vote in national elections?
  • Is it best to read fiction or nonfiction?
  • Is it best for kids to have distance learning or be in school?
  • Do parents treat all their kids the same way, or do they treat the oldest and youngest differently?
  • Do you think that kids have the same teacher every year or switch teachers each year?
  • Do you think that video games be a sport?
  • Are schools doing enough to stop bullying?
  • Do you think that kids have homework on weekends?
  • Is it best if three generations of a family live together?
  • Are hot dogs bad for you?
  • Do you think that school lunch should include vegetables, even if Many kids don’t like them?
  • Is it okay to eat dessert before dinner?

Argumentative Essay Topics for Middle School

  • Do you think that middle schoolers have jobs like babysitting or mowing lawns?
  • Are beauty pageants a great idea?
  • Are violent video games bad?
  • Do you think that parents be able to say whether kids can dye their hair?
  • Do you believe that social media do more harm than good?
  • Do middle schoolers have too much homework?
  • Do you believe that homework help kids learn?
  • Do you think that teachers get paid more?
  • Is life more challenging for your parent’s generation or yours’?
  • Why is your favorite musical artist best than anyone else?
  • Do you think that kids read age-appropriate books, or is it okay to read grown-up books?
  • Do you think that there be ratings (like G, PG, and R) for movies?
  • Is it best to ride the bus or walk to school?
  • Is school lunch great for kids?
  • Do you believe an hour of reading or an hour of exercising is better?
  • Do you think that gym class should be required?
  • Do you think that kids get paid for getting excellent grades?
  • Is it best to have class over the computer or in person?
  • Is cyberbullying as big of a problem as in-person bullying?
  • Do you think that all cars be electric?

Argumentative Essay Topics for High School

  • Do you think that people be allowed to burn the flag?
  • Do you think that parents get in trouble for truancy if kids don’t go to school?
  • Is social media bad for relationships?
  • Do you think that businesses be required to hire for diversity?
  • Are women and men treated equally?
  • Do you think that the minimum wage should be raised?
  • Do you think that everyone should go to college?
  • Is climate change a real threat?
  • Are wind farms benefitting the environment and economy?
  • Do you think that people be allowed to wear fur of any kind?
  • Is it a bad idea to use your DNA for genealogy?
  • Do you think that parents should decide they don’t want medical treatment for their kids?
  • Is the United States falling behind other nations in terms of education?
  • Do the actions of a nation’s leader influence the actions of the people?
  • Do you think that the electoral college should be abolished?
  • Do you think that schools be required to offer art courses?
  • Do you think that all new cars be electric?
  • Will AI help the world or hurt it?
  • Do you think that high school pupils work during the school year?
  • Are there forms of personal expression that you think should be allowed in schools?

Argumentative Essay Topics for College

  • Are men and women equally emotional?
  • Are printed books best than e-readers?
  • Do you think that the drinking age should be lowered?
  • Are parents responsible for childhood obesity?
  • Do you think that college should free?
  • Do you think that beauty standards be more inclusive?
  • Are all college majors equally essential?
  • Is social media bad for kids?
  • Has technology changed our definition of magic?
  • Is it worth exploring space?
  • Do you think that all internships be paid?
  • Do you think that income should be tied to the cost of a degree?
  • Is climate change the biggest threat to the world?
  • Is feminism still essential?
  • Has society made the needed reparations for slavery?
  • Do you believe that elections should be decided by the popular vote?
  • Should everyone be entitled to free health care?
  • Do anti-discrimination laws protect disabled pupils?
  • Is a degree from an online college or university as legitimate as a degree from a brick-and-mortar university?
  • Is it a conflict of interest for an instructor or professor to require pupils to purchase his book?
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