100 Ways to Become a Better Teacher

Are you looking for ways to become a better teacher? Check out our list.

  1. Get 8 hours of sleep every night
  2. Have a refillable water bottle on your class desk
  3. Have a ‘keen’ learner ready to hand out worksheets
  4. Keep a pencil case full of whiteboard pens
  5. Warehouse a permanent marker pen vertically,
  6. Stash a pile of glue sticks
  7. When it’s a morning break
  8. If you’re on break duty, save ‘pastoral moments’ for class discussion
  9. Learn the power of Cntrl, Alt, Delete
  10. Read each word in your school’s behavior policy
  11. Dress in comfortable shoes
  12. Keep an eye on the job market, the terminology used, and the salary scale
  13. Ask learners to repeat information back to you
  14. Read to your learners every lesson, every day
  15. Show learners, you care about them
  16. Have a teaching friend who can rescue your class in an emergency
  17. Teach learners how to learn in a noisy environment
  18. Store your keys and I.D. badge on separate lanyards
  19. Get on great terms with your site staff; you may need a fan or a heater in your class
  20. Hold the door open for learners
  21. Superglue a pencil sharpener to the end of your teaching desk
  22. Laminate a 5-minute lesson plan to your teaching desk
  23. Say ‘Hello’ to every stranger/visitor in the school halls
  24. Wear a vest in the winter months
  25. Always carry hand gel
  26. Eat one small bag of your favorite snack at your classroom desk every week throughout the winter
  27. Get yourself a good quality visualizer
  28. Subscribe to your association and/or teaching union
  29. Attend one teaching conference at least every two years
  30. Teach learners how to work in silence for chunks of time, building up the timeframe toward the examination
  31. Keep learners attentive, working in 10-20 minute chunks before providing some time to retrieve or slow down
  32. Buy yourself a whistle
  33. Have a few motivational quotes printed on your classroom wall
  34. At the beginning of each term, print off a ‘next holiday’ picture to keep your mood
  35. Talk to your head educator when you are feeling low
  36. Call one learner’s home with great news every Friday night
  37. Always be polite and patient with your administrative team
  38. Have a conversation with your janitor
  39. Make sure learners stack chairs on the tables at the end of every day
  40. Never hand over your photocopying card to a friend
  41. Bring in boxes of chocolates on your birthday – one for class, the other for the staff room
  42. Challenge all outdated marking policy ideas
  43. Throw your feedback stamp in the bin
  44. Keep a t stash of blue/white tac
  45. Lead an all-staff professional development session
  46. Teach from the back of the classroom sometimes
  47. Just once, take the ‘learner’s’ bus journey home to understand their story
  48. Try teaching without your whiteboard and projector
  49. Teach learners the origin of keywords
  50. Inculcate a ‘show me’ whiteboard culture in your class
  51. Place QR codes on your handouts
  52. Observe an expert educator
  53. Make friends with the collaborator who has worked at the school for the longest time
  54. Arrive at every class before the learners
  55. Arrive at school before the learners
  56. Where possible, leave school with the learners
  57. Don’t wear colored clothes that show off your sweaty armpits in the summer
  58. Don’t wear flip-flops, ever
  59. Know where your nearest fire extinguisher is
  60. Know where the CCTV cameras are
  61. Make a feedback zone in your classroom for one-to-one meetings during class
  62. Make a class ‘Youtube Playlist’ you can use at any time
  63. If you ignore it, you condone it.
  64. Non-verbal signals are your learner’s best friend
  65. Spending hours creating screencasts or pre-recorded ‘how-to’ tutorials will help get your life back
  66. Teach learners study skills from the first day they meet you, not a few weeks before exams
  67. Video and voice recordings are more compelling than a written report
  68. Don’t get yourself into the middle of messy relationships
  69. Come up with an idea for an education app or business
  70. Don’t permit the class bully to bully you
  71. Always give learners 2 or 3 minutes to ‘wind down after a wet and windy break
  72. Work hard to sustain your reputation daily – you can lose it anytime in a moment of madness. For example, being on time, supporting a friend breaking up a fight, and helping with the school production after school.
  73. Don’t let anyone use your bag of highlighter pens
  74. Know safeguarding law inside out
  75. One foot on the class floor, one foot on the hall – meet and greet, end and send – every lesson
  76. Study your subject knowledge once a month.
  77. Love land all subjects matter across the school.
  78. Assemblies are crucial to school ethos and values. Be on time, show learners that you are also listening, and be prepared to make announcements with a strong, loud voice
  79. Position your educator’s desk to face the classroom door but on the opposite side of the room
  80. When traveling in the class and having one-to-one conversations, always face the class
  81. Keep a timer on your table
  82. A hole-punch too, or chain or glue the base to your desk
  83. End every lesson early, providing lots of time to ‘ reflect, retrieve and plan ahead with learners
  84. Make the first minutes of every lesson exciting. This energy will ‘rub off on your learners’ moods…
  85. Learn a poem by heart and recite it to your class when they need ‘revision’ moments of creativity
  86. Order your teaching book using any discounts your school librarian has access to
  87. Walk the school halls during one non-contact period. Observe what is happening.
  88. Find out how to make a cup of tea in less than 2 minutes
  89. Be on ‘great terms with your school’s administrators
  90. Don’t get caught up in idle school gossip and rumors
  91. Have two clocks in your classroom. One for you, one for the learners, which is a couple of minutes slower
  92. Your educator planner is your life.
  93. Develop a clear scrip for educator instruction
  94. Don’t wear tight clothes
  95. Conduct a research project
  96. Keep your social media profiles clean
  97. Dress up
  98. Take a day off sick if you are run down
  99. Have a piece of chocolate
  100. If in doubt, read tip number one
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