11 Poetry Activities for Children

Poetry is considered one of the most difficult forms of writing to master. This difficulty can be attributed to the fact that poetry relies heavily on rhythm and rhyme, which can be difficult for children to understand and replicate.

Nevertheless, there are a few poetry activities that can be used with children that do not require such a high level of skill. The following 11 activities are designed to help children develop their appreciation for poetry and improve their writing skills.

  1. Have children read selected poems aloud one another. This can be done in a group setting or as an individual exercise.
  2. Have children write poems about topics that interest them. This can also be done in groups or individually.
  3. Have children create poems based on folktales or fairy tales.
  4. Have children write poems about their favorite animals.
  5. Have children write poems about their favorite places.
  6. Have children write poems about their favorite things.
  7. Have children write poems about their feelings.
  8. Have children write poems about their dreams.
  9. Have children write poems about their favorite foods.
  10. Have children write poems about their favorite people.
  11. Have children write poems about their favorite things in life.
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