11 Social Justice Speakers We Can’t Wait to Hear at NCSS

The National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) annual conference is always a hotbed of learning, networking, and inspiration – and this year is no exception! The focus on social justice in education has never been more important, which is why we’re eagerly awaiting the opportunity to hear from top speakers on this critical issue. We’ve compiled a list of 11 social justice speakers that are sure to enlighten and inspire audiences at the NCSS conference.

1. Ibram X. Kendi: A leading scholar on racism and antiracism, Dr. Kendi is the author of the bestselling book “How to Be an Antiracist.” His insightful approach to understanding and combating racism makes him a must-hear speaker.

2. Beverly Daniel Tatum: As a psychologist, educator, and author of “Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?”, Dr. Tatum is well-versed in addressing racial topics and helping attendees think deeply about social justice in education.

3. Brittany Packnett Cunningham: An activist, educator, and writer, Brittany has dedicated her life to fighting for equity and justice. She’s a founder of Campaign Zero, an organization focusing on ending police violence, and was a member of President Obama’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing.

4. Cornel West: A philosopher, political activist, and social critic, Dr. West is known for his powerful speeches on race, poverty, politics, and more. His work addresses some of the most challenging topics facing our society today.

5. Gina Clayton-Johnson: As the founder and executive director of Essie Justice Group, Gina works tirelessly to end mass incarceration in America by empowering women with incarcerated loved ones to lead powerful change.

6. Peter Levine: A scholar focused on civic engagement and democracy within educational spaces, Dr. Levine’s research ensures that young people are prepared to contribute to a thriving democracy.

7. Dolores Huerta: A legendary labor leader and civil rights activist, Dolores co-founded the National Farm Workers Association, now United Farm Workers, alongside Cesar Chavez. Her lifelong dedication to social justice has made her an icon and invaluable speaker.

8. Jose Antonio Vargas: An activist and journalist, Jose is the founder of Define American, a nonprofit media and culture organization that encourages conversations about immigration, identity, and citizenship in America.

9. Monica Ramirez: As a civil rights attorney, activist, and advocate for farm worker women’s rights, Monica works tirelessly to end gender-based violence in the workplace and empower those who are often overlooked.

10. Dr. Bettina Love: A professor of education at the University of Georgia, Dr. Love’s work focuses on the ways urban youth engage critically with social justice issues. Her passion for transformative education makes her a must-see speaker at NCSS.

11. Tim Wise: An anti-racist educator and author of “White Like Me,” Tim delves into how white privilege impacts society and encourages self-reflection on our personal biases.

These 11 social justice speakers bring diverse perspectives and experiences to the NCSS conference. Their inspiring words are sure to spark meaningful conversations about how we can create more equitable classrooms – and a more just world.

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