12 Must-Teach Classroom Procedures and Routines


Establishing effective classroom procedures and routines is essential for creating a positive and productive learning environment. These procedures help streamline classroom management, maximize instructional time, and promote student engagement. In this article, we will explore 12 must-teach classroom procedures and routines that every teacher should consider implementing in their classrooms.

1. Entry and Exit Procedures:

Teaching students how to enter and exit the classroom calmly and efficiently sets the tone for the entire lesson. Establish clear guidelines on how students should enter the classroom, where they should store their belongings, and how they should leave at the end of the class.

2. Attendance Procedures:

Develop a consistent method for taking attendance and make it a routine. Whether it’s through traditional roll call, digital tracking, or other creative methods, ensure that students understand the importance of attendance and the consequences of missing classes.

3. Classroom Expectations:

Clearly communicate classroom expectations, including behavior, participation, and academic standards. Discuss these expectations at the beginning of the school year and reinforce them regularly to ensure a culture of respect and accountability.

4. Materials and Supplies:

Teach students how to properly handle and care for classroom materials and supplies. Establish routines for distributing and collecting items, and encourage students to take responsibility for their belongings.

5. Classroom Transitions:

Smooth transitions between activities minimize disruptions and maximize instructional time. Teach students how to transition between tasks efficiently by using strategies such as countdowns, visual cues, and verbal reminders.

6. Group Work Procedures:

When incorporating group work into your lessons, teach students how to work collaboratively and effectively. Establish rules for group interactions, roles and responsibilities, and problem-solving strategies.

7. Technology Usage Guidelines:

In today’s digital age, technology plays a significant role in the classroom. Establish clear guidelines on when and how students can use technology devices, ensuring they understand their responsibilities in terms of responsible and appropriate use.

8. Classroom Procedures for Absences:

Develop a system for absent students to catch up on missed work and assignments. Teach students how to find and complete missed assignments, as well as how to communicate their absence with you and their peers.

9. Classroom Cleanup Routine:

Teach students the importance of maintaining a clean and organized classroom environment. Establish routines for tidying up after activities, putting away materials, and keeping shared spaces neat and clutter-free.

10. Bathroom and Hall Pass Procedures:

Design a protocol for bathroom and hall pass usage to minimize disruptions to instruction. Teach students when and how to ask for permission, where to sign out, and the appropriate duration for these breaks.

11. Emergency Procedures:

Prepare students for unexpected events by teaching them emergency procedures. Conduct regular drills for fire, lockdown, and other emergency situations, ensuring students understand their role and responsibilities.

12. End-of-Class Dismissal:

Develop a routine for dismissing students at the end of class. Teach them where to return materials, how to leave the classroom in an orderly manner, and any specific dismissal procedures unique to your school.


By investing time in teaching these 12 must-teach classroom procedures and routines, teachers can create a structured and productive learning environment. Remember to be consistent, reinforce expectations regularly, and provide clear explanations to ensure students understand and internalize these procedures.

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