13 Current Coding Apps for Kids 2019 3

In today’s digital age, coding has become a significant skill for children to learn. With the increase in demand for computer science expertise, numerous apps have been developed to make coding more accessible and enjoyable for kids. Here are thirteen current coding apps that stand out in 2019:

1.ScratchJr – An introductory programming language that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games.

2.Tynker – Offers self-paced online courses for children to learn coding at home, as well as an engaging programming curriculum for schools.

3.Code.org – A variety of fun and interactive lessons that cover the basics of coding, often featuring popular characters from movies and games to engage kids.

4.Kodable – Focused on children in the early stages of learning, it provides easy-to-understand lessons on programming concepts geared towards 4-10-year-olds.

5.Lightbot – A puzzle game based app that uses game mechanics applied to coding challenges to help children improve their problem-solving skills

6.Hopscotch – Allows kids to make games, stories, and animations which helps them learn the fundamentals of programming through a visual interface.

7.Code Combat – Uses a game-based approach to teach Python and JavaScript. As players progress through the levels, they write real code to control their characters.

8.Blockly – Google’s refinement of Scratch uses blocks that link together to make code easier to understand for beginners.

9.Daisy the Dinosaur – A basic drag-and-drop coding app designed specifically for young learners, with an animated character that keeps them interested.

10.Swift Playgrounds – Apple’s educational app that teaches Swift programming language in a fun and interactive way, with no previous coding knowledge required.

11.CodeMonkey – Aimed at middle school children, this app uses a coffee-script based curriculum where students write code to control an on-screen monkey.

12.Cargo-Bot – This game teaches kids how to program a robot to move cargo by creating simple instruction sequences using logic and foresight.

13.Bitsbox – Provides monthly projects that teach gradeschoolers how to build apps with real code which can then be played on real devices.

These apps not only make coding more approachable but also ensure that learning this valuable 21st-century skill is fun-filled and memorable for kids.

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