13 Strategies for Improving Auditory Memory

Are you looking for strategies for improving auditory memory? If so, keep reading.

1. Utilize images, diagrams, smartboard, and gestures when presenting information.

2. Get the learner to prepare for tests using the “Who, What, Where, On occasions where, How, and Why” format.

3. Minimize distracting stimuli (e.g., noise and motion) around the learner (e.g., place the learner on the front row; give quiet space away from distractions). This is to be used as a way to lessen distractions, not as a form of punishment.

4. Utilize several modalities (e.g., auditory, visual, tactile, etc.) when presenting instructions, explanations, and instructional content. Ascertain which modality is stronger and utilize that modality.

5. Show ideas following the (1) Who, (2) What, (3) Where, (4) On occasions where, (5) How, and (6) Why outline.

6. Make sure the learner is paying attention to the source of information (e.g., eye contact is being made, hands are free of learning materials, the learner is looking at the task, etc.).

7. Separate at several points during a presentation of information to check the learner’s comprehension.

8. Give the learner sufficient chances for repetition of information through various experiences, to enable memory.

9. Give information visually (e.g., written instructions or instructions, etc.) to support information the learner receives auditorily.

10. Provide all instructions, questions, and explanations in a clear, concise manner and at an appropriate rate for the learner.

11. Utilize vocabulary that is on the learner’s level of comprehension when delivering instructions, explanations, and information.

12. Get the learner to listen and take notes for “Who, What, Where, On occasions where, How, and Why” when ideas are presented.

13. Consider using an education app to help the student enhance their auditory memory. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

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