14 Songs To Sing With Young Second-Language Learners


Music has the magical ability to inspire and captivate us. It creates an environment where language learning is fun, engaging, and motivating. Singing along to catchy tunes is a powerful tool for teaching young children a second language. In this article, we will explore 14 fantastic songs that make it easy for young second-language learners to grasp new words and phrases while having a blast!

1. The Alphabet Song

Teaching children the alphabet is vital for the formation of words and sentences. The Alphabet Song breaks down this fundamental concept into simple, singable lyrics, making it enjoyable for kids of all ages.

2. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

This classic nursery rhyme helps teach second-language learners new vocabulary and simple sentence structures in their target language.

3. The Wheels on the Bus

Featuring memorable lyrics and repetitive melodies, The Wheels on the Bus engages kids in learning about transportation, movement, and sounds – all while they’re having fun singing along.

4. Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes

This popular children’s song combines physical movement with learning about body parts in the target language. It reinforces vocabulary related to one’s own body while providing young learners with a fun way to practice their pronunciation.

5. Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Old MacDonald Had a Farm introduces children to animal sounds and names in their second language by way of repetitive lyrics sung with gusto.


BINGO offers an enjoyable way for young learners to familiarize themselves with the sounds of each letter in their target language by singing about a beloved dog.

7. If You’re Happy and You Know It

This uplifting song encourages children to express emotions through actions like clapping hands and stamping feet, while learning simple phrases in their new language.

8. Five Little Monkeys

In this catchy tune, kids learn about numbers and counting while singing about the playful antics of five little monkeys.

9. The Itsy Bitsy Spider

This all-time favorite nursery rhyme introduces children to the life of a spider, allowing them to develop their vocabulary concerning animal behavior, weather, and resilience.

10. Row, Row, Row Your Boat

With its simple yet memorable lyrics, Row, Row, Row Your Boat presents an opportunity to practice new language skills while learning about transportation and actions.

11. One, Two, Three, Four, Five

This classic counting song teaches young learners numerical concepts in their target language while combining tunes with educational content.

12. Rain, Rain Go Away

Through playful lyrics and rhyme structures, this popular song reinforces weather-related vocabulary and invites children to participate in simple imaginative play.

13. London Bridge is Falling Down

Using a catchy melody and historical context, London Bridge is Falling Down explores the theme of building structures while providing an engaging way for children to practice their new language skills.

14. The Hokey Pokey

The Hokey Pokey invites young learners to get active and strengthens language retention by linking body movements with the names of body parts in a festive manner.


Incorporating fun and lively songs into second-language learning can accelerate a child’s language acquisition process by making it enjoyable and interactive. These 14 much-loved songs create an atmosphere that fosters excitement for learning. So don’t hesitate to sing along with your young second-language learners – they’ll be mastering their new language in no time!

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