15 Great Books About Education to Get into This Summer

This summer, read 15 great books about education to get into the spirit of learning. Whether you’re a student looking for inspiration or an educator seeking new ideas, these books will make you learn in new and interesting ways.

  1. Becoming a Master Teacher: A Guide to Training and Development
  2. The Educated Mind: How Cognitive Science Can Help Us Understand Learning
  3. The New Reality of Learning: Tools for Success in the 21st Century
  4. Educating for Effective Democracy
  5. Cracking the College Reading Code: A Guide to Overcoming Tough Textbooks and Boosting Your GPA
  6. The Big Idea: How to Think About and Teach Mathematics
  7. A World of Learning: Teaching with Technology
  8. The Art of Teaching: A Visionary History of a Passionate Profession
  9. Raising Global Citizens: A Path to the Future
  10. How Learning Works: Brain Science and the Education of Tomorrow
  11. The Highly Sensitive Person’s Guide to Life: How to Thrive When the World Overwhelms You
  12. Teach Like a Pro: A Collection of Master Class Lessons from the Best Teachers in the World
  13. Massive Open Online Courses: A New Model for Higher Education
  14. The Unseen University: A History of Oxford from 1066 to the 21st Century
  15. A Student’s Guide to College Success
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