15 Strategies to Improve Students Ability to Complete Learning Experiences That Require Listening

Are you looking for strategies to improve students ability to complete learning experiences that require listening? If so, keep reading.

1. Separate at several points when delivering instructions, public announcements, etc., to ensure that the learner is attending.

2. Show instructions following the outline of (1) What, (2) How, (3) Learning materials, and (4) On occasions where.

3. Teach and have the learner practice how to listen for crucial information when he/she is being given instructions or receiving information (e.g., write down main points, ideas, step-by-step instructions, etc.).

4. Assess the level of information presented to the learner to ascertain if the information is presented at a level the learner can understand.

5. Take the learner away from the situation when they have difficulty listening and following instructions in the presence of others (e.g., at a school assembly, when a guest speaker is present, etc.) until they can demonstrate self-control and follow instructions.

6. Utilize several modalities (e.g., auditory, visual, tactile, etc.) when presenting instructions, explanations, and instructional content . Utilize the modality that is stronger for the learner.

7. On occasions where ideas are presented, have the learner listen and takes notes for “Who, What, Where, On occasions where, How, and Why.”

8. Teach the learner when to ask questions, how to ask questions, and what types of questions acquire what types of information.

9. Provide instructions, explanations, and information using vocabulary that is within the learner’s level of comprehension.

10. Get the learner to repeat or rephrase information presented to ascertain if the learner correctly heard what was said.

11. Place the learner near the source of directions, explanations, and instructions to enable their capacity and ability to keep attention.

12. Utilize images, diagrams, smartboard, and gestures when presenting information.

13. Read this article that we wrote on developing listening comprehension skills.

14. Read this article that we wrote explaining why verbal comprehension skills are important to academic success.

15. Read this article that we wrote on what you should do when your child struggles with verbal comprehension.

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