16 Incredible Kids’ Books About Dyslexia

Dealing with dyslexia can be a challenge for any child, but books can make the journey easier. Reading about characters who have dyslexia can help kids feel less alone and more confident. Here are 16 incredible books about dyslexia that will make a meaningful impact on any child’s life.

1. Dyslexia and Me: What Parents and Teachers Need to Know by Kate Power and Steve Chinn

This book was written by two leading experts on dyslexia and provides helpful strategies for parents and teachers. It’s an invaluable resource for anyone who wants to make sure they’re giving their dyslexic child the best possible support.

2. My Dyslexia by Philip Schultz

This story follows a young boy as he discovers and comes to terms with his dyslexia. It is a great way for kids to understand the condition and to learn that it doesn’t have to be a hindrance.

3. A Boy Called Bat by Elana K. Arnold

This book follows a young boy who loves animals but also struggles with dyslexia. He must find ways to work around his dyslexia in order to keep his beloved pet skunk, Bat.

4. Fish in a Tree by Lynda Mullaly Hunt

The protagonist of this book is a smart girl who has been able to hide her dyslexia until the sixth grade. It follows her journey of self-discovery as she learns to accept her condition and find her place in the world.

5. Dyslexia Hero by Tim Bowler

This story follows a young boy who has dyslexia and is struggling to keep up with his classmates. After discovering a virtual world, he finds new confidence and learns how to use his condition to his advantage.

6. Out of My Mind by Sharon M. Draper

This book follows the story of a young girl with cerebral palsy who also has dyslexia. It’s an inspiring story about how she discovers her own unique gifts and learns to embrace them.

7. Drita, My Homegirl by Jenny Lombard

This story follows a young girl as she navigates her new school and makes friends. Drita has dyslexia and must find ways to cope with the embarrassment she feels when she makes mistakes in class.

8. My Name is Brain Brian by Jeanne Betancourt

This story follows a young boy who has dyslexia and is struggling to make friends. He eventually meets a group of kids who accept him and help him to realize his potential.

9. The Alphabet War: A Story About Dyslexia by Diane Burton Robb

This story follows a young boy who is struggling with dyslexia. After finding a way to make learning fun, he is able to overcome his struggles and gain confidence.

10. The Dyslexic Squirrel by Nancy P. Gibert

This story follows a young squirrel who has dyslexia and is struggling to learn to read. He finds ways to use his condition to make learning more enjoyable and eventually learns to read.

11. The Dyslexic Superhero by Dr. Monica Sweeney

This story follows a young boy who discovers he has dyslexia and learns how to use his condition to his advantage. With the help of his family and friends, he eventually becomes a dyslexic superhero.

12. The Alphabet of Bugs by Michele Coxon

This story follows a young girl who has dyslexia and is struggling to read. With the help of an understanding teacher, she finds ways to use her dyslexia to her advantage.

13. The Alphabet Adventure by Peter Catalanotto

This story follows a young boy who is struggling to learn to read because of his dyslexia. With the help of an understanding teacher, he finds ways to use his condition to make learning fun.

14. Dyslexia Kid by Kathy Hoopmann

This story follows a young boy who has dyslexia and finds ways to use his condition to his advantage. He learns to embrace his dyslexia and find success despite his challenges.

15. Dyslexia and the Gift of Creativity by Dr. I.C. Campbell

This book explores the creative gifts that dyslexic children can possess. It’s an inspiring look at how dyslexia can be used in a positive way.

16. The Alphabet Tree by Larry Dane Brimner

This story follows a young girl who has dyslexia and is struggling to read. With the help of an understanding teacher, she finds ways to use her condition to make learning more enjoyable.

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