17 Christmas Crafts and Activities for the Classroom

The holiday season is a magical time for both teachers and students, and integrating Christmas crafts and activities into classroom learning can be a delightful way to foster creativity and celebrate the festive spirit. Here are 17 Christmas crafts and activities that are sure to spark joy in the classroom.

1. Handmade Christmas Cards: Encourage your students to create personalized Christmas cards for their loved ones using colored paper, markers, glitter, and other decorative items.

2. Paper Snowflakes: With just paper and scissors, students can cut out intricate snowflake designs. It’s a simple way to decorate the classroom and develop fine motor skills.

3. DIY Christmas Ornaments: Using materials like felt, wood slices or clear plastic baubles, kids can make their own ornaments to take home or decorate the classroom tree.

4. Cookie Decorating: Bring in some plain sugar cookies and let the kids decorate them with icing, sprinkles, and candy pieces. Not only is it fun, but it’s also a yummy treat!

5. Gingerbread Houses: Working with either pre-made kits or graham crackers and icing, students can build and decorate gingerbread houses, which promotes teamwork if done in groups.

6. Holiday Math Games: Incorporate festive themes into math problems or create games like ‘Christmas Bingo’ with math equations as clues.

7. Christmas Collages: Children collect holiday-themed images from old magazines or printed materials to create collages on paper or cardboard.

8. Reindeer Antlers: Students can craft antlers out of headbands and pipe cleaners or cardboard, then wear them for a day to spread holiday cheer throughout the school.

9. Wreath Making: Teach children how to twist green construction paper or tissue paper into wreaths and adorn them with red bows or holly berries crafted from paper.

10. Christmas Stories Writing Prompts: Inspire creative writing by giving students prompts related to Christmas for them to write short stories or poems about.

11. Salt Dough Decorations: Make salt dough in class that children can mold into various shapes like stars, trees, or angels, then paint after baking.

12. Festive Sensory bins: Fill bins with items like fake snow, jingle bells, pinecones, and ornaments so younger students can explore with their senses.

13. “Pin the Nose on Rudolph” Game: A fun twist on the classic game that gets kids up and moving around while promoting coordination skills.

14. Santa’s Workshop Role Play: Set up a section of the classroom where kids can pretend they’re elves helping out in Santa’s workshop by wrapping presents (empty boxes) or crafting toys (made from lego or other materials).

15. Holiday Music Sing-along: Learn songs related to different winter holidays around the world for a multicultural celebration of music.

16. Advent Calendar Countdowns: Create individual advent calendars filled with small treats or tasks that countdown days until school breaks for the holidays.

17. Cultural Holiday Presentations: Have students research how Christmas is celebrated in different countries and present their findings to the class, thereby enhancing cultural understanding and presentation skills.

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