17 Hacks to Motivate Students to Start Learning Activities

Are you looking for hacks to motivate students to start learning activities? If so, keep reading.

1. Give the learner a sample of the task/learning experience that has been partially finished by a peer or teacher (e.g., book reports, projects, etc.).

2. Do not require the learner to finish the task/learning experience in one sitting.

3. Make sure that the learner has all the learning materials needed to perform the task.

4. Give the learner the option of performing the task at another time (e.g., earlier in the day, later, on another day, etc.).

5. Provide instructions before handing out learning materials.

6. Make sure the learner achieves success when following instructions.

7. Get the learner to explain to the teacher what they think should be done to finish the task/learning experience.

8. Show the learner that work not done during work time will have to be made up at other times (e.g., at recess, before school, after school, during lunchtime, break time, etc.).

9. Teach the learner directions/instructions (e.g., listen carefully, write down essential points, ask for clarification, and wait until all instructions are received before beginning).

10. Give clearly stated instructions, written or oral (e.g., make the instructions as simple and concrete as possible).

11. Talk regularly with the learner to help them follow instructions for the learning experience.

12. Give alternatives to the traditional format for instructions (e.g., record instructions, summarize instructions given by peers, etc.).

13. Practice directions/instructions on nonacademic tasks.

14. Assess the appropriateness of the task to ascertain (a) if the task is too easy, (b) if the task is too complicated, and (c) if the duration of time scheduled to finish the task is sufficient.

15. Require that tasks done incorrectly, for any reason, be redone.

16. Create task rules (e.g., listen to instructions, wait until all instructions are given, ask questions about things that you do not understand, start tasks only when you are sure about what is required, make sure you have all appropriate learning materials, etc.).

17. Consider using assistive technology designed to help students to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder concentrate. Click here to view list of assistive technology apps that we recommend.

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