17 Signs Of Parental Alienation & Effects On Adult Children

Parental alienation is a term used to describe the psychological process of one parent unconsciously turning their child against them. When parental alienation occurs, the child can develop a strong dislike and distrust of the parent, which can have long-term negative effects on their emotional, social, and psychological well-being.

Here are 17 signs that you may be experiencing parental alienation:

1. You feel like your parent does not really care about you.

2. You feel like your parent is always criticizing you.

3. You feel like your parent refuses to listen to you.

4. You feel like your parent unfairly controls your life.

5. You feel like your parent does not want you to have any relationship with your other family members.

6. You feel like your parent isolates you from your friends.

7. You feel like your parent does not want you to attend any family functions.

8. You feel like your parent is constantly scrutinizing your every move.

9. You feel like your parent is always blaming you for everything.

10. You feel like your parent refuses to provide a positive role model for you.

11. You feel like your parent does not want you to have any contact with your birth parents.

12. You feel like your parent refuses to discuss your past with you.

13. You feel like your parent is constantly withholding support.

14. You feel like you have no control over your life.

15. You feel like you are constantly fighting with your parent.

16. You feel like your parent has changed drastically since you started living with them.

17. You feel like you cannot trust your parent.

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