18 “I Am…” Poem Activities


“I Am…” poems offer a unique opportunity for individuals to engage in self-reflection and express their thoughts, emotions, beliefs and experiences. These creative activities are versatile enough to be used in various settings such as classrooms, workshops, or therapeutic sessions. The following 18 “I Am…” poem activities can help ignite the imagination and empower personal growth.

1. Emotion Exploration:

Begin by focusing on specific emotions (such as happiness, sadness, anger) and then write “I Am…” statements describing the feelings through vivid metaphors.

2. Timeline of Life:

Compose an “I Am…” poem that narrates significant moments in one’s life, showcasing personal growth and transformation over time.

3. Cultural Identity:

Create an “I Am…” poem celebrating cultural identity or heritage, highlighting traditions, customs or values that resonate.

4. Messages to My Younger Self:

Write an “I Am…” poem in which the past self offers advice or wisdom to the present self.

5. Dreamscapes:

Craft an imaginative “I Am…” poem describing a dream world or alternate reality filled with fascinating creatures and landscapes.

6. Letters from Nature:

Inspire participants to assume the role of a natural element (e.g., wind, tree) and pen an evocative “I Am…” poem expressing its essence.

7. Family Ties:

Compose a multi-generational “I Am…” poem by including characteristics shared amongst various family members.

8. Pieces of Me:

Encourage participants to construct their poems using different aspects of their identity such as gender, race, religion or occupation.

9. Strengths and Struggles:

Write about personal strengths this poem celebrates as well as the challenges faced on their life’s journey.

10. Sensory Details:

Create an immersive “I Am…” poem by relying on vivid sensory descriptions that evoke the senses.

11. Colorful Expression:

Develop poems inspired by personal associations with specific colors, allowing them to serve as guides for artistic expression.

12. Soundscape:

Compose a poem that incorporates various sounds, expressing emotions and thoughts through auditory descriptions.

13. Gratitude and Appreciation:

Write an uplifting “I Am…” poem by focusing on things in life that spark gratitude and appreciation.

14. Future Me:

Imagine the future self and write a poem highlighting aspirations, dreams or goals that await fulfillment.

15. Superpowers Unleashed:

Craft an empowering “I Am…” poem wherein the author possesses unique abilities or supernatural gifts.

16. Human-Nature Connection:

Bridge the gap between humanity and nature by penning an insightful “I Am…” poem illustrating their interconnectedness.

17. Global Citizenship:

Compose an “I Am…” poem promoting empathy and compassion for diverse cultures and societies across the world.

18. Healing Words:

Employ poetry as a tool for emotional healing by creating an “I Am…” poem that aids in processing distressing experiences, traumas or challenging emotions.


These 18 “I Am…” poem activities offer versatile means of self-expression and introspection, opening up channels for creativity, identity exploration, and personal development. By embracing this powerful form of poetry, individuals can unlock their inner narratives, making room for growth, understanding, and profound shifts in perspective.

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