19 Inspirational Vision Board Activities to Try in Your Classroom


Vision boards are a creative and inspiring way for students to visualize and manifest their goals, dreams, and aspirations. Incorporating vision board activities into your classroom can promote positive thinking, boost motivation, and foster a growth mindset among your students. Here are 19 inspirational vision board activities to enhance your teaching practice and empower your students.

1. Goal Setting Session

Kick off the process by encouraging students to brainstorm their goals for the academic year or beyond. Define longer-term objectives as well as shorter-term milestones.

2. Theme-Based Boards

Assign themes like career dreams, personal development, or philanthropic goals and have students create vision boards focused on these topics.

3. Group Project Vision Boards

Encourage teamwork and collaboration by having groups of students create vision boards together for a shared project or goal.

4. Vision Board Gallery Walk

Display completed vision boards around the room, allowing students to observe each other’s goals, dreams, and inspirations.

5. Guided Imagery Exercises

Before beginning the vision board creation process, use guided imagery exercises to help students tap into their imagination and visualize their desires.

6. DIY Collage Materials

Encourage resourcefulness by having students repurpose old magazines, newspapers, stickers, or photographs for their vision board collages.

7. Positive Affirmations Exercise

Incorporate an activity where students write down positive affirmations related to their goals and include them on their vision boards.

8. Mind Mapping Activity

Help students organize their thoughts by teaching them mind mapping techniques before they begin designing their vision boards.

9. Monthly Check-Ins

Establish monthly check-ins where you revisit the students’ vision boards together, tracking progress on goals and adjusting them as necessary.

10. Vision Board Presentations

Allow students to present their visions to the class, explaining the significance of each element on their board.

11. Online Vision Board Platforms

Explore digital options for creating virtual vision boards, fostering digital literacy skills in the process.

12. Inspirational Quotes and Poems

Have students find and include inspiring quotes or poems relevant to their goals and dreams.

13. Vision Board Journals

Supplement vision board activities with journaling for reflection on goals, challenges, and progress.

14. Mindful Meditation Breaks

Incorporate guided meditation sessions to help students stay focused, visualize their success, and maintain motivation.

15. Vision Statement Exercise

Prompt students to write a personal vision statement summarizing their aspirations captured on the board.

16. Family Involvement

Invite families to participate in the vision board activity, creating a supportive and understanding environment at home as well.

17. Graduation Vision Boards

At the end of the school year or before graduation, have students create vision boards representing what they hope to achieve beyond the classroom.

18. Vision Board Mural

Transform a classroom wall into a giant vision board with a collage of individual student goals, promoting unity and inspiration among peers.

19. Growth Mindset Activity

Explore growth mindset concepts by prompting students to visualize overcoming obstacles and setbacks on their journey towards their goals.


Integrating these engaging vision board activities into your classroom will not only inspire your students but also help them develop essential skills such as goal setting, self-reflection, and perseverance. Keep in mind that creating a vision board should be an enjoyable process for all and that everyone’s aspirations are unique. So, encourage your students to dream big and watch as they transform into motivated learners with ambitious objectives for their futures.

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