20 If I Were President Activities: Empowering Students To Lead And Make A Difference


Educators play an essential role in inspiring the next generation of leaders. By incorporating engaging activities that emphasize leadership skills, teachers can support their students in developing critical thinking and decision-making abilities. One effective approach is through “If I Were President” activities, which challenge students to think about various real-life issues and the impact of their proposed solutions. In this article, we will discuss 20 empowering “If I Were President” activities that aim to inspire students to lead and make a difference.

1. Campaign Posters: Have students create campaign posters highlighting what changes they’d make as president, encouraging creativity and self-reflection.

2. Debate Club: Organize debates where students represent different political parties or points of view and discuss essential topics facing the nation.

3. Budget Allocation: Teach students about the national budget and have them allocate funds to different areas according to their priorities as president.

4. Mock Election: Organize a school-wide mock election, with students running for various roles and voting for the candidate whose platform aligns with their beliefs.

5. Write a Presidential Address: Ask students to write a presidential address covering their main policies, goals, and plans for their term in office.

6. State of the Union Analysis: Encourage students to analyze past State of the Union addresses, drawing connections between different administrations’ policies and societal impacts.

7. Drafting Legislation: Guide students through the process of drafting a bill that addresses a specific issue they feel passionate about.

8. Press Conferences: In small groups, reenact presidential press conferences where one student acts as president and answers questions from “reporters.”

9. Advisory Teams: Divide students into teams responsible for advising on various issues such as defense, foreign policy, healthcare, and the economy.

10. Historical Presidents: Have students research past presidents’ successes and challenges, then analyze how they might handle similar situations today.

11. Responding to Crises: Discuss the role of a president during national emergencies and have students brainstorm how they would respond to hypothetical scenarios such as natural disasters or terrorist attacks.

12. International Relations: Teach students about global politics and diplomacy, then ask them to develop plans for working with other nations and international organizations.

13. Presidential Podcast: Assign students to create podcasts where they discuss their policies, changes they’d make in office, and steps for achieving those goals.

14. Evaluating Policies: Encourage students to evaluate existing policies and their effectiveness, discussing potential adjustments or alternatives.

15. Hosting Town Halls: Organize town hall meetings where students take on the role of president, answering questions from “constituents.”

16. Letters to Future Presidents: Have students write letters advising future presidents on critical issues and sharing their own presidential aspirations.

17. Collaboration with Local Government: Coordinate a visit or Q&A session with local government officials to discuss how their jobs relate to the student’s presidential roleplays.

18. Implementation Challenges: Engage students in conversations about the challenges of implementing new policies and navigating political opposition.

19. Presidential Book Club: Read books written by or about past presidents, discussing their leadership styles and lessons learned.

20. Reflective Journaling: Provide a platform for regular journal entries where students document their progress and growth throughout the “If I Were President” activities.


Empowering our students with leadership skills is vital for their personal development and the betterment of future societies. The “If I Were President” activities mentioned above provide enriching opportunities for young minds to explore their potential as leaders, reflect on critical issues, and consider meaningful solutions in imaginative ways. Through these engaging lessons, we can inspire our students to lead and make a difference .

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