20 Kindness Activities for Middle School

Middle school is important for students to develop their character and learn new skills. Some ways to help students develop good character include 20 kindness activities.

Some of the activities listed below may be fun for students or help them develop new skills. The first step is to think of something you can do to show kindness. If you have time, you can also try out some of the activities to see what kind of response you get from others.

Kindness Activities for Middle School

1. Make a difference in someone’s day.

2. Give a warm smile.

3. Wave to a friend.

4. Build a relationship with someone.

5. Give back.

6. Share something you own.

7. Give a compliment.

8. Serve others.

9. Give a hug.

10. Connect with nature.

11. Give back to society.

12. Let someone know how you are feeling.

13. Assist someone in need.

14. Give back to the environment.

15. Take a break.

16. Smile for no reason.

17. Tell a funny story.

18. Give a hug.

20. Listen.

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