20 Middle School Newspaper Ideas: How to Start One

Starting a middle school newspaper club can be a fun and engaging way to foster creativity, hone writing skills, and keep students informed about what’s happening in their community. From interesting articles to exciting updates and stories, there is no shortage of ideas available for your middle school newspaper. Here are 20 ideas to get you started:

1. School News: Keep students updated on important events, such as dances, fundraisers, sporting events, and PTA meetings.

2. Student Interviews: Feature different students each issue, providing a platform for them to share their thoughts and experiences.

3. Teacher Profiles: Highlight the educators who make your school special with interviews and short biographies.

4. Opinion Pieces: Encourage students to express their opinions on topics relevant to their community or the world in general.

5. Book Reviews: Offer recommendations for new books to read based on recent releases or student favorites.

6. Club Updates: Encourage club leaders to share updates on their activities and achievements.

7. Recipes & DIY Projects: Include step-by-step instructions for simple recipes or crafts that students can try at home.

8. Sports Results & Highlights: Recap recent games, matches, and competitions, spotlighting key players and moments.

9. Creative Writing Corner: Publish original poems, short stories, or essays by students.

10. Historical Features: Explore the history of your school or local community in a series of articles.

11. Advice Column: Designate a student or teacher as the resident advice-giver, responding to anonymous inquiries from readers.

12. Comic Strips & Illustrations: Showcase the talents of artistically-inclined students with original comics or drawings.

13. Science & Technology Updates: Share the latest news surrounding innovations in science and technology that might interest middle schoolers.

14. Study Tips & Tricks: Provide advice on ways to improve study habits and succeed academically.

15. Quizzes & Puzzles: Entertain readers with crossword puzzles, trivia quizzes, or word searches.

16. Movie & TV Reviews: Recap popular new movies or TV shows that students are watching.

17. Environmental News & Tips: Educate students on ways to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle and local environmental initiatives.

18. School Surveys: Conduct surveys to gauge student opinions on various topics and share the results in the newspaper.

19. Fashion & Style Trends: Keep readers informed about the latest fashion and style trends specific to middle schoolers.

20. Behind-the-scenes looks at school events: Provide insight into what goes on behind the scenes of school productions, concerts, or other events.

By incorporating a variety of these ideas into your middle school newspaper, you’ll create a diverse and engaging publication that appeals to a wide range of interests. Start assembling your team of writers, editors, and designers today and begin crafting a newspaper that will serve as a source of education and entertainment for your school community.

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