20 Powerful Communication Activities for Middle School

Middle school is a critical time when it comes to teaching children important life skills, including communication. Good communication skills can help students build strong relationships with peers and adults, resolve conflicts, and increase their overall self-esteem. The following activities can help middle school students practice and improve their communication skills.

1. “I Statements” – This activity helps students learn to take ownership of their feelings and responsibilities in various situations. It also teaches them to express themselves without blaming or attacking others.

2. Role Playing – Role playing is an excellent way to practice communication skills in a safe and supportive environment. Ask students to act out common scenarios, such as dealing with peer pressure, asking for help, and disagreeing with someone.

3. Storytelling – Encourage students to tell stories about their lives or experiences. This activity allows students to practice telling stories in an engaging and entertaining way.

4. “Lying Game” – This game requires students to tell stories that involve some level of exaggeration, without getting caught in a lie. It teaches them to think on their feet and stay creative while communicating.

5. Debate – Debates are a great way to practice persuasive communication skills. Have students research a topic and then debate both sides of the argument.

6. “Compliment Game” – This game is an excellent way to practice kindness and empathy. Ask students to take turns giving compliments to each other in an effort to build each other up.

7. “Listen and Repeat” – This activity helps students practice active listening. Ask students to listen to a statement or question, and then repeat it back to the speaker.

8. “Truth or Consequences” – This game teaches students to think before they speak. Ask students to answer truthfully, or face the consequences of a silly forfeit.

9. “Responsibility Chart” – This activity helps students understand and practice the importance of taking responsibility for their words and actions. Ask students to create a chart and list out the responsibilities of each person in a conversation.

10. “Hot Seat” – This activity helps students practice responding to tough questions. Ask one student to sit in a “hot seat” and answer questions from their peers.

11. “Telephone” – This game is an excellent way to practice listening and summarizing skills. Ask students to pass a message around the room, in a game of “telephone.”

12. “Word Association” – This activity helps students practice quick thinking and creative communication. Ask students to come up with words that relate to a given word or phrase.

13. Writing – Writing is a great way to practice clear communication. From journals to letters, have students practice expressing themselves through written words.

14. “Two Truths and a Lie” – This game helps students practice telling stories and distinguishing between fact and fiction. Ask students to tell two truths and one lie about themselves.

15. “Questions Only” – This activity helps students practice forming and asking questions. Ask students to communicate using only questions.

16. “Would You Rather?” – This game is a great way to practice decision-making. Ask students to decide between two hypothetical scenarios.

17. “Telephone Charades” – This game helps students practice interpreting non-verbal cues. Ask students to act out a scenario, and have their peers try to guess what they’re trying to communicate.

18. “Mimic Me” – This activity helps students practice matching the tone and energy of the speaker. Ask students to “mimic” the speaker in various ways.

19. “Yes or No” – This game helps students practice responding to questions. Ask students to answer yes or no to various questions.

20. “Gossip” – This game helps students practice filtering the truth from lies. Ask students to pass a message around the room, and see how it changes.

These activities can help middle schoolers develop key communication skills. With practice and guidance, they can learn to communicate effectively and with confidence.

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