20 Preschool Activities To Practice Fast and Slow


Preschool children learn best through play, and teaching them the concepts of fast and slow can be both educational and enjoyable. This article shares 20 engaging activities that will help little ones practice their understanding of these two opposite concepts while having fun.

1. Freeze Dance: Play some favorite tunes and encourage the children to dance fast or slow according to the beat. Then, pause the music for everyone to freeze in their positions.

2. Speed Walking: Set up an area where kids can walk at different paces, encouraging them to go fast or slow by giving verbal cues.

3. Balloon Races: Give each child a balloon to blow up and release, observing how quickly it flies away or how it slowly deflates.

4. Slo-Mo Race: Have children participate in a race while moving as slowly as possible without stopping. The slowest one wins.

5. Fast Painter: Set out paint, brushes, and paper for kids to create quick paintings in under a minute.

6. Slow Motion Charades: Children take turns acting out different animals or actions, such as hopping like a bunny or crawling like a turtle, while the others try to guess what they are doing.

7. Rolling Races: Using balls or toy cars, encourage children to race them across the floor by pushing fast or rolling them slowly.

8. Fast Sorting: Set up various objects and ask children to quickly sort them into groups based on colors or shapes.

9. Slow Stacking: Provide building blocks and challenge kids to build towers very slowly and carefully, without letting them topple over.

10. Fast Fingers: Teach kids finger plays like “Two Little Blackbirds” or “Five Speckled Frogs,” practicing singing them at a speedy pace.

11. Tug of War: Play tug of war with a hula hoop, switching between pulling fast and slow.

12. Fast and Slow Animal Sounds: Kids mimic various animals, adjusting their vocal pitch or speed to match the animal’s characteristics.

13. Speedy Simon Says: Lead a game of Simon Says, incorporating fast and slow movements for children to copy.

14. Slow Food Preparation: Guide children in preparing a simple snack very slowly, such as spreading peanut butter on crackers or cutting fruit.

15. Egg and Spoon Races: Have children participate in an egg and spoon race, either by walking fast without dropping the egg or moving slowly to maintain control.

16. Parachute Play: Use a play parachute for kids to lift and lower as quickly or slowly as possible in response to cues.

17. Leapfrog: Have children take turns hopping over each other like frogs, varying the speed of their jumps.

18. Fast and Slow Storytelling: Read a favorite story aloud at different speeds, encouraging children to listen closely for the changes in pace.

19. Bouncing on a Trampoline: Provide trampolines for kids to bounce on at varying speeds.

20. Speedy Cleanup: Turn cleaning up after activities into a race, with the challenge being to tidy up as quickly as possible while still doing a thorough job.


These 20 activities encourage preschoolers to explore fast and slow concepts creatively while having fun. By participating in these playful exercises, children can build their understanding of these terms and strengthen their motor skills simultaneously.

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