20 Strategies to Help Students Who Have Trouble Attempting New Tasks

Are you looking for strategies to help students who have trouble attempting new tasks? If so, keep reading.

1. Show the task in the most exciting and attractive manner possible.

2. Help the student develop GRIT.

3. Organize time units so that the learner knows how long they have to work and when the work must be finished.

4. Give the learner more than enough time to finish a learning experience . As the learner shows success, slowly decrease the amount of time given to finish a learning experience .

5. Provide instructions in an assortment of ways to enable the learner’s comprehension (e.g., if the learner fails to understand oral instructions, present them in written form).

6. Get the learner to repeat the instructions orally to the teacher.

7. Provide a signal (e.g., clapping hands, turning lights off and on, etc.) before giving oral instructions.

8. Give the learner a predetermined signal (e.g., oral signal, hand signal, etc.) when they are not beginning a task.

9. Inform the learner that instructions will only be given once.

10. Rewrite instructions at a lower reading level.

11. Provide oral instructions in a simple, concrete manner.

12. Assist the learner with the first few things about a task. As the learner shows success, slowly lessen the amount of help over time.

13. Follow up a less desirable task with a highly desirable task, making the conclusion of the first appropriate to perform the second.

14. Give the learner shorter tasks, given more regularly.

15. Give the learner a schedule of daily activities so that they know what and how much there is to do in a day.

16. Stop the learner from becoming overstimulated by a learning experience (e.g., frustrated, angry, etc.).

17. Indicate what is to be done for the conclusion of a task (e.g., make definite starting and stopping points, a minimum requirement, etc.).

18. Make the learner begin each task within a specific duration of time (e.g., three minutes, five minutes, etc.).

19. Give the learner a selection of tasks, requiring them to select a minimum number from the total (e.g., present the learner with 10 academic tasks from which 6 must be finished that day).

20. Begin with a single problem and add more problems to the task over time.

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