20 Terrific Tennis Ball Games For Any Classroom 

There is plenty of fun and engaging tennis ball games that can be enjoyed in any classroom. Here are 20 of the best:

1. Twenty-One: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to hit the ball twenty times wins the game.

2. Memory: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to hit the ball after the other player has forgotten how to play the game loses the game.

3. Catch: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to catch the other player’s ball wins the game.

4. Spikeball: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against a wall. The first player to hit the ball through the other player’s “spike” wins the game.

5. Red Rover: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to hit the ball to the other player’s side wins the game.

6. Duck Duck Goose: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to hit the ball into their opponent’s “duck” wins the game.

7. Hide and Seek: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to hit the ball into their opponent’s “hide” wins the game.

8. Knock Out: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to hit the ball and have it bounce three times in a row loses the game.

9. Pin Ball: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against a wall. The first player to hit the ball into one of several pins mounted on the wall wins the game.

10. Soccer: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to hit the ball into the other player’s goal wins the game.

11. Drop The Ball: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to drop the ball loses the game.

12. King of the Hill: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to hit the ball onto their opponent’s “king” (a small target at the center of the court) wins the game.

13. Volleyball: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to hit the ball into the other player’s net wins the game.

14. Hangman: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to hit the ball with the letter “H” in their opponent’s “hanging” zone (between the ball and the wall) loses the game.

15. Tug of War: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to pull the other player’s ball away from the wall wins the game.

16. Golf: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to hit the ball into one of several holes in the wall wins the game.

17. Battleship: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to hit the ball into their opponent’s “ship” (a small target at the center of the court) loses the game.

18. Jenga: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to knock the ball off of the wall loses the game.

19. Ring Toss: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to hit the ball into their opponent’s “ring” (a small target at the center of the court) wins the game.

20. Dodge Ball: In this game, players take turns hitting a ball against the wall. The first player to dodge the ball with their hand loses the game.

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