20 Videos to Help Kids Master the Growth Mindset


The growth mindset is an essential tool for helping children reach their full potential. It emphasizes the idea that intelligence, talent, and skills can be developed over time through hard work, dedication, and determination. Teaching kids to adopt a growth mindset encourages them to face challenges head-on and view setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth.

Here are 20 fantastic educational videos you can use to help your children understand and embrace the growth mindset.

1. The Power of Yet – Sesame Street’s Janelle Monáe explains how trying again helps us achieve our goals.

2. The Duck and the Kangaroo – A heartwarming story that teaches children the value of friendship and perseverance.

3. The Girl Who Never Made Mistakes – A beautiful animated story about embracing failure as part of the learning process.

4. Growth Mindset vs Fixed Mindset – A simple explanation that highlights the crucial differences between the two mindsets.

5. Mojo Learns the Power of Yet – An exciting adventure of a young creature named Mojo who learns about growth mindset through various trials.

6. Your Fantastic Elastic Brain Stretch It Shape It – A fascinating video revealing how our brain changes with each new experience.

7. How To Grow A Gritty Mindset – A helpful guide on cultivating resilience in children.

8. Famous Failures – A motivating look at famous individuals who overcame failure to achieve success.

9. Austin’s Butterfly – The inspiring journey of a child named Austin who learns about perseverance in crafting a perfect butterfly drawing.

10. You Can Learn Anything (Growth Mindset) – An introduction to the incredible power of believing in your ability to learn anything.

11. What Do You Do With An Idea? – A delightful animated story about nurturing creativity and following our dreams even when it seems challenging.

12. Will You Push The Button? A Growth Mindset Challenge – A light-hearted video encouraging young ones to develop a growth mindset when faced with difficult tasks.

13. The Dot – A heartening journey of a young girl who learns the importance of bravery and self-belief through art.

14. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance – Angela Duckworth’s famous TED talk on how grit can lead to success.

15. The Hare and the Tortoise Read Aloud – A classic fable that teaches children about perseverance, hard work, and patience.

16. How To Fail Forward – Practical steps to transform children’s relationship with failure and set them on a path of success.

17. Every Child Needs A Growth Mindset Tree – Tips for parents and educators in nurturing kids’ growth mindset.

18. Two Growth Mindset Crabs Work Things Out – An engaging video that imparts valuable lessons on resilience through an underwater adventure.

19. A Growth Mindset Scavenger Hunt (Interactive Game) – An interactive online game that is perfect for promoting the growth mindset in a fun way.

20. How I Became A Kid Inventor – The inspiring story of Sarah, a 9-year-old inventor narrating how she cultivated her growth mindset to achieve great things.


By exposing children to these engaging videos exploring the concept of growth mindset, you can empower them to believe in their ability to grow, learn, and achieve their goals no matter the challenges they face. Cultivating a growth mindset will help build resilience, perseverance, and confidence in your child’s life, providing them with essential tools for lifelong success.

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