20 Women’s Suffrage Activities for Elementary Students


Educating elementary students about women’s suffrage is a crucial step in inspiring a new generation to understand the importance of gender equality and civic engagement. The following 20 activities will help you create engaging lesson plans centered around women’s suffrage, ensuring your students gain valuable knowledge while having fun.

1. Timeline Activity: Have students create a timeline of major events in the women’s suffrage movement, starting with the Seneca Falls Convention and ending with the ratification of the 19th Amendment.

2. Suffragette Dress-up Day: Encourage students to dress up as famous suffragettes and present their chosen figures’ accomplishments to the class.

3. Art Project: Instruct students to create posters, buttons, or banners advocating for women’s right to vote, inspired by historical designs.

4. Famous Speeches: Have students read excerpts from famous suffragette speeches and discuss their impact on the movement.

5. Role-play Debate: Organize a mock debate between suffrage supporters and opponents, with students acting out both sides.

6. Biography Research: Assign students a notable suffragette to research and present her life story to the class.

7. Voting Simulation: Set up a mock election in your classroom, allowing students to experience voting as both a privileged voter (before women’s suffrage) and an equal participant (after women’s suffrage).

8. Create a Suffrage Booklet: Guide students in creating informational booklets highlighting key players and milestones in the women’s suffrage movement.

9. Women’s Rights Charades: Have students act out important events or figures from the movement, with classmates guessing the event/figure in question.

10. Jigsaw Activity: Divide your class into several groups, giving each group an article or reading about a specific aspect of women’s suffrage. Groups should then teach their topics to the rest of the class.

11. Suffrage Songs: Introduce students to popular songs from the suffrage movement and discuss their messages and importance.

12. Write a Letter: Have students write letters from the perspective of a suffragette, explaining why they believe in women’s right to vote.

13. Suffrage-themed Crossword Puzzle: Create a crossword puzzle with clues related to the women’s suffrage movement for students to solve.

14. Women’s Rights Word Search: Design a word search featuring important names, slogans, and terms related to women’s rights.

15. Scavenger Hunt: Develop a classroom scavenger hunt based on facts about women’s suffrage, encouraging students to work together while learning.

16. Equality Experiment: Use everyday objects (such as candy) to demonstrate unequal distribution and spark discussion on fairness and gender equality.

17. Map Activity: Illustrate the progress of women’s suffrage across different countries on a world map, highlighting when each obtained the right to vote.

18. Story Time: Read age-appropriate books about the suffragists’ efforts to obtain voting rights for women.

19. News Broadcast: Assign students roles as news anchors, reporters, or interviewees in a mock suffrage-era news broadcast about ongoing developments in the movement.

20. Reflective Journaling: Encourage students to reflect on what they’ve learned about women’s suffrage through daily journal prompts, and discuss their thoughts as a class.


These 20 activities offer creative and engaging ways to teach elementary students about the history and significance of women’s suffrage. With their newfound knowledge, your students can grow as informed citizens who value equality and democracy.

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