21 Hacks to Encourage Kids to Take the Consequences of Their Behavior Seriously

Are you looking for hacks to encourage students to take the consequences of their behavior seriously? If so, keep reading.

1. Be sure to take every chance to explain to the learner that it is their behavior that determines whether consequences are positive or negative.

2. Highlight the consequences of other students’ behavior as they happen (e.g., the chance to point out that consequences happen for all behavior and for all persons).

3. Stop the learner from becoming overstimulated by a learning experience(e.g., frustrated, angry, excited, etc.).

4. Create classroom rules: • Complete every assignment. • Complete assignments quietly. • Remain in your seat. • Finish tasks. • Meet task expectations. Examine rules often. Praise students for following the rules.

5. Get the learner to list the pros and cons of an action and determine if the pros outweigh the cons before they take action.

6. Talk with a mental health provider about the learner’s failure to consider the consequences of their behavior.

7. Help the learner find the situations in which they are most likely to fail to consider the consequences of their behavior. After they have identified these situations, have them think of ways to minimize their occurrences.

8. Observe the learner closely in situations in which they are likely to act impulsively without considering the consequences (e.g., keep close physical proximity, keep eye contact, regularly connect with the learner, etc.).

9. Give the learner more decision-making chances relative to class learning activities and tasks.

10. Draft an agreement with the learner stipulating what behavior is required (e.g., acting deliberately and responsibly) and which reinforcement will be implemented when the agreement has been met.

11. Show an interest in the learner (e.g., acknowledge the learner, ask the learner’s opinion, spend time working one-to-one with the learner, etc.).

12. Allow the learner to earn those things they want or need so that they will not engage in unacceptable behavior to get them (e.g., lying or stealing to get something essential to him/her).

13. Make sure the learner knows that consequences naturally follow behavior. You do not make the consequence happen; it is their behavior that makes the consequence happen.

14. Provide the learner with duties in the classroom (e.g., teacher assistant, peer tutor, group leader, etc.).

15. Refrain from competition. Failure may cause the learner to ignore the consequences of their behavior.

16. Urge the learner to consider the consequences of their behavior before engaging in any learning experience.

17. Provide logical consequences to help the student in learning that their behavior determines the consequences that follow (e.g., work not done during work time has to be made up during leisure time, what they waste or destroy has to be replaced by him/her, etc.).

18. Stop peers from engaging in those behaviors that would cause the learner to fail to consider or regard the consequences of their behavior (e.g., keep other students from upsetting the learner).

19. Do not let the learner use ADHD as an excuse. Hold the learner responsible for their actions. However, understand how to accept the problems that ADHD brings into the student’s life while they are learning to make accommodations.

20. Consider using an adaptive behavior management app. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

21. Click here to learn about six bonus strategies for challenging problem behaviors and mastering classroom management.

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