21 Ways Help Students Get Organized

Do you need advice on helping your students get organized? If so, keep reading.

  1. Embody being prepared/organized for specific learning activities.
  2. Select a peer to model who is organized/prepared for specific learning activities for the learner.
  3. Train the learner to carry essential things in a backpack or binder.
  4. Get the learner to create a routine (schedule) and utilize a weekly schedule. Get the learner to create an organizational chart for daily tasks to be finished.
  5. Talk regularly with the learner to encourage organizational skills and appropriate use of learning materials.
  6. Get the learner to create a routine (schedule) to follow before changing learning activities (e.g., put away learning materials, gather learning materials for the next learning experience, make a list of what learning materials need to be replenished, etc.).
  7. Restrict the learner’s freedom to use school property if they are unable to remember to return borrowed things.
  8. Restrict the learner’s access to learning materials (i.e., give the learner only those learning materials appropriate at any given time).
  9. Make sure that all personal items are tagged with the learner’s name.
  10. Get the learner to organize their book bag every day before going home. Put paperwork in folders, prioritize the next day’s tasks, and update their calendar.
  11. Make sure the learner knows that they must replace things that are lost.
  12. Limit learning materials needed for specific learning activities.
  13. Observe the learner’s performance in learning activities or tasks to make sure the learner begins, works on, and finishes a task promptly so that they can go to the next learning experience in their routine (schedule).
  14. Give a color-coded organizational system (e.g., notebook, folders, etc.).
  15. Teach the learner to take care of personal items and school learning materials (e.g., keep property with him/her, know where the property is at all times, secure property in lockers, leave the valuable property at home, etc.).
  16. Give sufficient time for the conclusion of learning activities.
  17. Give an organizer for learning materials to be kept inside the learner’s desk.
  18. Require that lost or damaged property be replaced by the learner. If the learner cannot replace the property, compensation can be made by working at school.
  19. Give the learner a container in which to carry the appropriate learning materials for specific learning activities (e.g., backpack, book bag, briefcase, etc.).
  20. Give the learner a list of appropriate learning materials for each learning experience of the day.
  21. Consider using an education app to help the student sharpen their organizational skills. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.
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