21 Ways to Support Students Who Have Trouble Finishing Homework Tasks

Are you looking for ways to support students who have trouble finishing homework tasks? If so, keep reading.

1. Urge the learner to create an understanding of the consequences of their behavior by writing down or talking through problems that may happen due to their failure to finish homework tasks (e.g., if they do not finish the homework task, their grade may drop, then they may not be able to take part in extracurricular learning activities ).

2. Give the learner a book bag, backpack, etc., to take homework tasks and learning materials to and from home.

3. Give a reinforcing learning experience at the beginning of the day/class period, contingent upon the conclusion and return of homework tasks.

4. Get the learner to organize tasks by dividing them into small segments. Get the learner to set deadlines and reward themselves after finishing each segment of the task.

5. Get the learner to create a chart to follow that will let them finish all tasks.

6. Create an environmental setting for the classroom that promotes optimal individual performance (e.g., quiet room, background music, fresh air, etc.).

7. Urge the parents to make positive remarks about school and the importance of finishing homework.

8. Give time at school for homework conclusion when the learner cannot be successful in performing tasks at home.

9. Indicate what is to be done for the conclusion of the homework task (e.g., indicate definite starting and stopping points, indicate the minimum requirements, etc.).

10. Get the learner to question any directions, explanations, or instructions not grasped.

11. Let logical consequences happen for failure to finish homework tasks (e.g., learners who do not finish their homework will not take part in more desirable learning activities ).

12. Give the learner written instructions for doing homework tasks.

13. Provide the parents with information appropriate for them to help the learner with homework (e.g., what the tasks are and Learning Interventions: Strategies to help with the tasks).

14. Urge the learner to reward themselves (e.g., a ten-minute break, speak briefly with a relative, telephone a friend, etc.) for concentrating on a task for a specific length of time.

15. Let the learner perform a highly desirable task when homework has been turned in to the teacher.

16. Get the learner to place notes in highly visible areas (e.g., refrigerator door, bathroom door, front door, etc.) to remind the learner to return homework tasks to school.

17. Let the learner perform alternative homework tasks. As the learner shows success, slowly present more components of the regular homework task until the tasks are routinely performed and returned to school.

18. Make sure the learner knows that homework tasks not finished and turned in to the teacher will have to be finished during other times (e.g., break time, leisure time, before/after school, etc.).

19. Complete a few problems of the homework task with the learner to serve as a model and start the learner on the task.

20. Get the learner to enlist the help of a relative, friend, etc., to remind them of homework tasks.

21. Consider using an education app to help the student sharpen their organizational skills. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

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