23 Marvelous Holiday Mindfulness Activities


The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and spending time with loved ones. However, it can also be a stressful period with all the preparations and obligations that come along with it. One way to maintain balance during this busy time is through mindfulness activities. Practicing mindfulness can help you stay present, reduce stress, and find more enjoyment amidst the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Here are 23 marvelous mindfulness activities you can try this holiday season.

1. Gratitude Jar – Create a jar for collecting little notes of gratitude from family members throughout the season.

2. Snowflake Meditation – Watch snowflakes fall gently from the sky and focus on their unique patterns as they land.

3. Silent Night Walk – Go for a peaceful nighttime stroll, taking in the sights and sounds of the season while practicing mindful breathing.

4. Hot Cocoa Sipping – Sit down and enjoy a cup of hot cocoa mindfully savoring each sip.

5. Mindful Ornament Hanging – Focus your full attention on hanging ornaments on the tree, noticing their colors, textures, and memories attached to them.

6. Advent Calendar Mindfulness – Open each day’s door or box of your advent calendar and reflect on the small surprise inside.

7. Candle Gazing – Light a candle and spend some time observing its flickering flame in silence.

8. Coloring Pages – Choose festive holiday-themed coloring pages to engage in mindful coloring as a form of relaxation.

9. Holiday Aromatherapy – Diffuse calming scents like pine or cinnamon to create a mindful atmosphere in your home.

10. Mindful Baking – Bake favorite holiday treats while paying attention to each detail of measuring, mixing, and rolling out dough.

11. Gratitude Wreath – Craft a wreath with family or friends using special notecards to express gratitude for various aspects of life.

12. Guided Holiday Imagery – Find a guided meditation that focuses on holiday visuals, such as picturesque snow-covered landscapes.

13. Family Yoga – Try holiday-themed yoga poses with family members for relaxation and bonding.

14. Mindful Gift Wrapping – Take time to appreciate each item being wrapped, and infuse each gift with positive intentions.

15. Holiday Music Meditation – Choose a calming holiday track and actively listen to each instrument, melody, and lyrical message.

16. Deep Breathing Exercises – Use deep breathing techniques to calm the mind and body amidst the holiday chaos.

17. Storytelling – Gather loved ones to share their favorite holiday memories and actively listen.

18. Slow Dance – Slow dance with a partner or by yourself to the rhythm of your favorite holiday tunes.

19. Mindful Eating – Savor your favorite holiday dishes, focusing on each flavor, texture, and sensation in your mouth as you eat.

20. Mailbox Moment – Pause to reflect and send positive thoughts when mailing out holiday cards or gifts.

21. Nature Walk: Embrace the outdoors during a mindful walk, noticing any changes in your surroundings that signify the season.

22. Festive Journaling: Reflect on your thoughts and feelings about the holidays with journal entries written near twinkling lights or a lit fireplace.

23. Loving-Kindness Meditation: Cultivate compassion for yourself and others during the holidays by practicing loving-kindness meditation every day.


Incorporating these mindfulness activities into your holiday routine can help enhance your enjoyment of the season while staying present in each moment. Try one or more of these activities to add a sense of calm amidst the whirlwind of this magical season, helping you truly appreciate all the joys it brings.

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