23 Ways to Ensure That Students Understand Your Instructions

Are you looking for inventive ways to ensure that students will understand your instructions? If so, keep reading.

1. Stand in the proximity of the learner when delivering oral questions and instructions. Urge the learner to keep written reminders of task sequences.

2. Get the learner to ask for help when they need it.

3. Teach the learner listening skills (e.g., stop working, clear desk of nonessential learning materials, pay attention to the source of information, write down essential points, ask for clarification, and wait until all instructions are received before beginning).

4. Get the learner to orally repeat or rephrase the instructions to the teacher.

5. Get the learner to practice group listening skills (e.g., “Everyone, take out a piece of paper. Write your name on the paper. Number your paper from 1 to 20.”).

6. Place the learner near the source of information to enable their capacity and ability to keep attention.

7. Get the learner to question any directions, explanations, and instructions they do not understand.

8. Get the learner to take notes relative to oral questions and instructions.

9. Urge the learner to create an understanding of themselves and their surroundings. Train the learner to periodically step back and ask themselves, “Am I listening and paying attention?” “What is the question?”

10. Get the learner to take notes when instructions are being given following the “What, How, Learning materials, and On occasions where” format.

11. Select a peer to model answering oral questions and instructions without requiring repetition for the learner.

12. Train the learner to ask people to repeat portions of a conversation they were unable to follow.

13. Train the learner to keep attention to the source of information by keeping eye contact, keeping hands free from other learning materials, and reducing other distractions.

14. Get the learner to do those things that need to be done when they are discussed instead of procrastinating (e.g., organize needed learning materials for a task to be finished later).

15. Talk regularly with the learner to help the learner follow instructions for a learning experience.

16. Provide a consistent manner in which oral questions and instructions are delivered.

17. Provide mobility to assist the learner.

18. Get the learner to practice listening skills by taking notes when directions, explanations, and instructions are presented.

19. Provide visibility to and from the learner to keep their attention when oral questions/ instructions are being delivered. The teacher and the learner should be able to see each other at all times. Make eye contact possible at all times.

20. Make sure that all instructions, questions, explanations, and instructions are delivered in a clear, concise manner; at an appropriate pace; and loudly enough for the learner to hear.

21. Consider using a classroom management app to help the student learn to respond appropriately to instructions. Click here to view a list of apps that we recommend.

22. Consider using Alexa to help you with classroom management. Click here to read an article that we wrote on the subject.

23. Click here to learn about six bonus strategies for challenging problem behaviors and mastering classroom management.

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