23 Ways to Support Students Who Cannot Complete Learning Activities Because of Reading Issues

Are you looking for strategies to help students who cannot complete learning activities because of reading issues? If so, keep reading.

1. Make sure the learner achieves success when following written instructions.

2. Stop the learner from becoming overstimulated (e.g., frustrated, angry, etc.) by a learning experience.

3. Give the learner a copy of written instructions at their desk in addition to on the smartboard, posted in the classroom, etc.

4. Place the learner near the source of the written information (e.g., smartboard, projector, etc.).

5. Make sure the print is bold and large enough to enable the learner’s success in following written instructions.

6. Transfer instructions from texts and workbooks when images or other stimuli make it complicated to pay attention to or follow written instructions.

7. Give the learner a quiet space (e.g., carrel, study booth, etc.) where they may go to take part in learning activities that require following written instructions.

8. Complete the first problem or problems with the learner to make sure that they follow written instructions.

9. Get the learner to carry out written instructions one step at a time and then check with the teacher to make sure that each step is successfully finished before trying the next.

10. Once the learner shows success, slowly increase the level of difficulty or complexity of written directions, explanations, instructions, content, etc.

11. Alter or adjust the reading level of the content presented to the learner to enable success.

12. Minimize the emphasis on competition. Competitive learning activities may make it complicated for the learner to finish tasks because of frustration with reading difficulties.

13. Present new words and their meanings to the learner before they read new learning materials. These may be entered in a vocabulary notebook kept by the learner as a reference for new vocabulary words.

14. Refrain from placing the learner in awkward reading skills (e.g., reading aloud in a group, identifying that the learner’s reading group is the lowest level, etc.).

15. Record complicated reading content for the learner to listen to as they read along.

16. Provide the learner time to read a selection more than once. Place emphasis on comprehension rather than speed.

17. Utilize reading sequence content with high interest (e.g., adventure, romance, mystery, sports, etc.) and low vocabulary.

18. Minimize the amount of content the learner reads at one time (e.g., lessen reading content to individual sentences or one paragraph, etc.). As the learner shows success, slowly increase the amount of content to be read at one time.

19. Make the curriculum important to the learner (e.g., explain the purpose of a task, relate the curriculum to the learner’s environment, etc.).

20. Provide the learner one task to finish at a time. Present the next task only when the learner has successfully finished the prior task.

21. Consider using AI to teach reading comprehension.

22. Consider using Alexa to teach reading skills.

23. Try using one of our many apps designed to teach literacy skills and help students with reading issues:

10 Apps That Teach Your Child to Read

7 Must-Have Apps to Make Students Love Reading

7 Must-Have Phonics Apps and Tools

9 Reading Apps and Tools for the Elementary Classroom

The Tech Edvocate’s List of 24 Literacy Apps, Tools & Resources

10 Apps to Teach Children Early Literacy Skills

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