24 Digital Leadership Responsibilties for Students

The responsibility for teaching citizenship has always fallen on schools. Teachers show students how to be citizens of their communities, cities, and the world. Classroom instruction in social autonomy also includes digital citizenship. Today’s modern world demands that students become digital citizens. This citizenship requires that participants be respectful in communications, cautious in accepting all content as true, and attentive to safety and security. Digital citizenship teaches positive habits in using technology.

Digital citizenship is about responsible technology use, but citizenship alone is not enough. As the way in which students engage with technology changes, the role of the connected student must also change. Students should be taught to be digital leaders instead of digital citizens. How do you teach your students to become digital leaders? Don’t worry; we have you covered. The graphic below lists 24 digital leadership responsibilities for students. If you teach them these skills and responsibilities, they will be digital leaders in no time.

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