25 Fun Kindergarten Writing & Storytelling Prompts

The writing prompts below are designed to spark your kindergarteners’ imaginations and get them writing! 

Tell me about your favorite stuffy.

Make a list of 3 things you love and 3 things you don’t love.

What is your favorite activity to do on a rainy day?

I’m really great at …

If I could fly …

Describe an interesting place you’ve visited.

Something I love to do that makes me happy is …

Do you like to play inside or outside? What do you do there?

What is your favorite season, and why?

The best thing about being in kindergarten is …

If I were a superhero, my power would be …

When I am 100 years old …

When I was a baby …

My favorite part of the day is …

Tell about a time you were a great helper.

What is one activity you love to do with your family?

Tell me about your best friend. 

My mom (or dad) always …

My favorite animal is _____ because …

Once upon a time …

If you made dinner for your family and friends, what would you make?

What is your favorite color? Name 3 things that are that color.

If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?

What makes you giggle?

Tell me about your favorite book.

Choose your Reaction!