25 Science Trivia Facts to Spark Student Curiosity

Science is varied and has become a much-loved subject of education. You should encourage your students to explore science with simple trivia facts. When students learn a few fun facts, they continue to learn long after the class has ended. So, these science trivia facts can spark a student’s curiosity about science. 

General Science Trivia

  • Which planet is farthest from the sun?

Neptune is the planet furthest away from the sun and is followed by Uranus. Mercury, however, is the planet closest to the sun. 

  • Which land animal is the fastest?

Cheetahs are the fastest animals on land. They can reach speeds of 75mph.

  • Why is Charles Darwin famous?

Darwin is most associated with natural selection. 

  • What’s the name of the clouds seen on sunny days?

Cumulus clouds are often seen on sunny days and are the fluffiest clouds too. 

  • Which color absorbs and reflects lights?

Black tends to absorb lights, while white reflects light. 

Biology Trivia 

  • In the human body, what’s the name of the smallest bone?

One of the smallest bones in the body is the staples which are found in the ear.

  • Who’s considered to be the world’s first biologist?

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle is the first biologist. 

  • Name the three plant cells.

Chloroplast, vacuole, and the cell wall are the three components of plant cells. 

  • What are the names of a butterfly’s life cycle?

A butterfly has four stages those are the egg, larva, pupa, and adult. 

  • How does a plant feed?

Plants are fed through photosynthesis which is the process where the sun is converted into sugar. 

Chemistry Trivia

  • Who developed the Periodic table, and how many elements does it have?

Dmitry Mendeleev developed the periodic table in 1869, and there are 118 elements currently in the table.

  • What’s the only metal that forms a liquid when at room temperature?

Mercury is the only metal that can turn into liquid form at room temperature. 

  • What has no definite shape but always has a definite volume?

Liquids always have a definite volume, even though their shapes can vary. 

  • pH 1 solutions are a what?

pH solutions on the scale between 0 and 7 are acids, and pH solutions between 7 and 14 are known as bases. 

  • What happens if a glass is filled with water and ice cubes?

The ice will melt and overflow. 

Earth Science Trivia

  • How are the planets, except for Earth, named?

Every planet, except for the Earth, is named after a God or Goddess of Greek or Roman origins.

  • What is the estimated age of the Earth?

It’s thought the Earth is at least 4.5 billion years old. 

  • Which gas is found mostly in the atmosphere of Earth?

The Earth’s atmosphere is made up of 20% oxygen and 78% nitrogen. 

  • Where does the Earth’s energy come from?

The sun is thought as the primary source of energy for planet Earth.

  • Which continent is the coldest on Earth?

Antarctica often has a temperature of -128.6 degrees. 

Physics Trivia

  • What are Isaac Newton’s laws named?

Laws of motion were first found in 1686.

  • What does the speed of light travel at?

299,792,458 meters per second.

  • Who came up with the theory of relativity?

In 1922 Albert Einstein proved his theory and was a Nobel prize winner. 

  • Name the first device that recorded sound.

Phonographs were first used in 1877 and invented by Thomas Edison. 

  • What is the Unit that measures electricity?

Energy consumption is measured by watts. 

These fun facts will inspire your students to learn more about science. 

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