27 Ways to be a Better 21st Century Educator

In this day and age, educators are expected to be tech-savvy and possess 21st-century teaching skills. Those that do not are thought of as relics of the past, ready to be put out to pasture. Why? Because teachers that are not tech-savvy or do not possess 21st-century teaching skills are ill-equipped to prepare students for the future.

If you are a teacher that is stuck in the 20th century and want move into the 21st century of pedagogy, all it takes is hard work and commitment. You don’t have to go on this journey alone as your peers, and higher-ups will be more than happy to be your guides. When every teacher in the building lives up to their potential, everyone wins. To help you get started, below, we have placed a graphic that lists 27 ways to be a better 21st-century educator. Good luck!

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