28 Closure Activities for Calm, Confident Kids


As parents and educators, our goal is to raise confident and emotionally healthy kids. A key component of emotional well-being is the ability to find closure in various situations. Closure activities can help children deal with emotions, build resilience and confidence, and ultimately foster healthy emotional habits for a lifetime. In this article, we will explore 28 closure activities designed specifically for kids to aid them in becoming calm, confident individuals.

1. Breathing Exercises: Teach your child deep breathing techniques to release tension and provide a sense of calm during stressful times.

2. Guided Imagery: Utilize guided imagery exercises to help kids replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

3. Mindfulness Meditation: Introduce your child to mindfulness meditation as a way to cultivate awareness of their feelings and emotions.

4. Gratitude Journaling: Encourage your child to keep a daily gratitude journal where they write down things they are grateful for each day.

5. Art Therapy: Provide materials for your child to express their emotions through drawing, painting, or sculpting.

6. Physical Exercise: Promote physical activities like sports or yoga which encourage a release of emotions while building resilience.

7. Role-Playing: Use role-playing games where kids can act out different scenarios that require them to manage their feelings effectively.

8. Expressive Writing: Help your child write stories or poems about their feelings.

9. Feelings Check-In: Prioritize regular feelings check-ins with your child where they discuss their emotions openly without judgment.

10. Conflict Resolution Skills: Teach your child the importance of effective communication and negotiation during conflicts.

11. Empathy Building Exercises: Foster empathy through activities such as reading books or watching movies that focus on the experiences of others.

12. Emotional Intelligence Games: Use games centered around recognising and managing emotions.

13. Affirmations: Help your child develop a set of positive affirmations to repeat during difficult moments.

14. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Show your child how to practice progressive muscle relaxation to relieve stress and tension.

15. Emotional Support Animals: Consider integrating an emotional support pet into your child’s life for comfort and companionship.

16. Laughter Yoga: Incorporate laughter yoga exercises to release tension and boost mood.

17. Music Therapy: Allow your child to explore different genres of music as a way to express their emotions.

18. Dance Therapy: Encourage your child to dance as a form of emotional release and self-expression.

19. Forgiveness Exercises: Teach your child the importance of forgiveness in resolving conflicts and moving on from difficult situations.

20. Nature Walks: Spend time outdoors with your child and discuss the calming effect of nature on their emotions.

21. Cooking/Baking: Bond with your child over preparing meals or baking treats and talk about how good it feels to accomplish something together.

22. Volunteering Activities: Volunteer with your child at local organizations, emphasizing the importance of giving back and helping others.

23. Teach Relaxation Techniques: Show your child various relaxation techniques, like visualization or deep breathing, for use during stressful moments.

24. Storytelling Sessions: Share personal stories with your child that illustrate how you’ve dealt with feelings in the past.

25. Problem-Solving Skills: Help your child develop strong problem-solving skills by working together on puzzles or brainstorming possible solutions to challenges.

26. Listening Skills: Foster active listening skills by holding regular conversations where each person takes turns speaking without interruption.

27. Social Connections: Encourage your child to build strong friendships and support networks for emotional well-being.

28. Consistent Routines & Boundaries: Establish consistent routines and healthy boundaries within the home that provide a sense of safety and stability.

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