3 Alternatives to Assigning Detention

There are many ways to improve the detention system, but one alternative is to assign detention instead of making decisions on who will be held and when. This can ensure everyone is held in a safe and comfortable environment while keeping those who need it held accountable.

There are three alternatives to assigning detention: 1) randomly assigning detainees to different detention cells, 2) place detainees in solitary confinement for a short period of time, or 3) provide more opportunities for detainees to apologize and express remorse.

Random assignment of detainees to different cells can be a problem because it can lead to overcrowding and a lack of opportunity to interact with detainees. This can lead to a lack of understanding and respect for detainees which can lead to tension and violence.

Place detainees in solitary confinement for a short period of time can lead to long periods of calm and surveillance. This can lead to a feeling of isolation and a decreased sense of self-esteem.

Providing more opportunities for detainees to apologize and express remorse can be a solution because it can generate empathy for detainees and build a better understanding of their concerns. This can prevent violence and improve the relationship between detainees and staff.

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