3 New Google Maps Features You’ll Want to Try Out


Google Maps has been an essential tool for millions of users worldwide. With each update, Google adds new features to enhance user experience and make navigating more seamless than ever. In this article, we’ll explore three new Google Maps features that you’ll want to try out.

1. Live Traffic Lights and Stop Signs

One of the latest Google Maps updates incorporates live traffic lights and stop signs into its navigation system. This feature enhances your ability to anticipate when you’ll need to stop during your journey, ultimately increasing the safety of your travels. You’ll be able to see these traffic elements overlaid on the map as you navigate, making it easier than ever to plan your route and manage your time efficiently.

2. Detailed Street-Level View

Google Maps has taken its street-level view a step further, now offering detailed visuals of sidewalks, road crossings and other essential pedestrian information in select areas. No longer will you have to zoom in on a blurry image or take a guess at which way to turn along your walking path. With this new, more refined level of detail, you can confidently explore new locations and stay on track while walking through less familiar areas.

3. Indoor Live View with Augmented Reality (AR)

Another exciting addition to Google Maps is indoor live view with augmented reality functionality in select locations such as malls, airports, and train stations. When using this feature, your smartphone’s camera will overlay helpful AR direction markers over the real world view – guiding you towards your desired destination within the complex interior space. No more getting lost trying to find the nearest restroom or exit.


Google continues to innovate and revolutionize the world of navigation with these exciting new features in Google Maps. From live traffic light information aimed at increasing safety to detailed street views for improved pedestrian travel efficiency – there is something for everyone to explore in this latest update.

Give these new features a try and elevate your Google Maps experience to new heights. Happy navigating!

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