3 Ways to Meet Students’ Desire for Social Engagement

There is no doubt that students today want to be more engaged socially. In fact, a study from the University of Michigan found that students want involvement in social activities that are meaningful and engaging. To meet students’ desire for social engagement, educators can consider implementing three different strategies.

1. Encourage social interaction through student-led activities.

One way to encourage social interaction among students is to have them lead activities. This can be done by having them create their own social activities or by having them take part in pre-existing activities. By giving students the opportunity to be leaders, educators can promote social engagement and involvement.

2. Enable students to participate in online and offline social activities.

Another way to encourage social interaction among students is to allow them to participate in online and offline social activities. By providing them with access to social media platforms and other online resources, educators can help students to connect with each other. Additionally, educators can provide offline opportunities, such as group work or field trips, to promote social interaction.

3. Encourage student participation in extracurricular activities.

One way to encourage social engagement among students is to have them participate in extracurricular activities. By encouraging them to join a club or participate in a sport, educators can promote social interaction. Additionally, by having students participate in extracurricular activities, educators can build the students’ sense of community.

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