31 Constitution Day Activities for Middle Schoolers

1. Preamble Scramble: Have students unscramble the words of the Preamble and put them in the correct order to understand its meaning.

2. Constitutional Trivia: Organize a trivia game with questions related to the Constitution, its authors, and key amendments.

3. Amendment Skits: Divide students into groups and have each group create a skit illustrating one of the 27 amendments.

4. Founding Fathers Research Project: Assign each student a Founding Father to research and present to the class.

5. Bill of Rights Poster: Have students create posters illustrating the rights protected by the first ten amendments.

6. Constitutional Crossword: Distribute a Constitution-based crossword puzzle for students to complete.

7. Constitution Debate: Hold a classroom debate on a constitutional question or issue.

8. Mock Constitutional Convention: Recreate the convention with students playing roles of delegates, negotiating and drafting articles.

9. Create Your Own Amendment: Encourage students to propose their own amendment and explain why it’s needed.

10. Pocket Constitution Reading: Provide pocket Constitutions for students to read and discuss.

11. Three Branches of Government Tree: Create a tree diagram showing the different branches of government and their functions.

12. Supreme Court Case Study: Explore landmark Supreme Court cases related to the Constitution.

13. Virtual Field Trip: Take a virtual tour of historical sites like Independence Hall or the National Archives.

14. Interactive Constitution Center Visit: If possible, arrange an actual or virtual visit to The National Constitution Center.

15. Constitutional Time Capsule: Create a time capsule with items that represent today’s understanding of constitutional issues.

16. Compare Constitutions Activity: Compare the U.S. Constitution with constitutions from other countries, identifying similarities and differences.

17. Storyboarding Amendments: Have students storyboard the events leading up to an amendment’s adoption.

18. The Federalist Papers: Introduce students to The Federalist Papers and discuss their significance.

19. ‘We the People’ Mural: Create a classroom mural with a quote or image from the Constitution.

20. Classroom Constitution: Have students work together to write a classroom constitution outlining classroom rules and responsibilities.

21. Quill Pen Writing: Allow students to experience quill pen writing by drafting their signatures on parchment paper.

22. Constitution Day Fashion Show: Hold a fashion show with students dressing as prominent figures from the Constitutional Convention.

23. Interactive Lessons & Games: Utilize online resources like iCivics.org to engage students in interactive lessons and games about the Constitution.

24. Constitutional Kahoot!: Create a Kahoot! game featuring Constitution-related questions.

25. Newspaper Analysis: Investigate how historic newspapers reported on the Constitution’s ratification and the debate surrounding it.

26. Constitutional Rap Battle: Create a rap battle incorporating historical figures and constitutional facts.

27. Essay Contest: Hold an essay contest where students share their thoughts on the importance of the Constitution today.

28. Cartoon Interpretation: Analyze political cartoons related to the Constitution or amendments, and have students create their own version.

29. Separation of Powers Simulation: Implement a simulation illustrating how separation of powers works in the government.

30. Letters to Founding Fathers: Have students write letters to the Founding Fathers explaining life today, asking questions, or thanking them for their role in creating the Constitution.

31. Pop Quiz Escape Room: Design an escape room-style pop quiz where solving riddles related to constitutional facts allows teams to advance through challenges.

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