35 Best Shakespeare Activities for Kids

Shakespeare has been entertaining and educating audiences for centuries, and his works are still in high demand today. Whether you’re a teacher or a parent looking to introduce your children to the Bard, there are plenty of fun activities to get them engaged and excited about Shakespeare’s works. Here are 35 of the best Shakespeare activities for kids that will have them entertained, educated, and inspired!

1. Make a time capsule: Have your kids create a time capsule of Shakespeare-related items such as paper, pencils, and a copy of their favorite play.

2. Create a board game: Make a board game based on one of Shakespeare’s plays.

3. Write a script: Have your kids write a script of a scene from a Shakespeare play.

4. Perform a scene: Have your kids act out a scene from one of the plays.

5. Host a play: Have your kids put on a performance of one of Shakespeare’s plays.

6. Watch a movie version: Watch a movie version of one of the plays and compare it to the original.

7. Write a sonnet: Have your kids write a sonnet, either of their own or one of Shakespeare’s.

8. Draw a scene: Have your kids draw a scene from a play.

9. Create a comic strip: Have your kids create a comic strip of a scene from a Shakespeare play.

10. Make a collage: Have your kids make a collage of images related to a play or poem.

11. Design a poster: Have your kids design a poster advertising a performance of one of the plays.

12. Make a video: Have your kids make a video of a scene from a play or poem.

13. Read a play aloud: Have your kids read a play aloud to each other.

14. Construct a model: Have your kids construct a model of a Shakespearean set.

15. Design a costume: Have your kids design a costume for a character from a play.

16. Create a soundtrack: Have your kids create a soundtrack for a play or poem.

17. Analyze a character: Have your kids analyze a character from a play.

18. Research the period: Have your kids research the period in which the plays were written.

19. Compare Shakespeare to other authors: Have your kids compare Shakespeare to other authors of the same period.

20. Re-enact a play: Have your kids re-enact a scene from one of the plays.

21. Create a video game: Have your kids create a video game based on a play.

22. Design a board game: Have your kids design a board game based on a play.

23. Do a project: Have your kids create a project that focuses on a play or poem.

24. Construct a timeline: Have your kids construct a timeline of Shakespeare’s life.

25. Analyze a play: Have your kids analyze a play in terms of plot, characters, and themes.

26. Compose a song: Have your kids compose a song inspired by a play or poem.

27. Create a mobile: Have your kids create a mobile of images related to a play or poem.

28. Act out the roles: Have your kids act out the roles of their favorite characters.

29. Make a puppet show: Have your kids make a puppet show of a scene from a play.

30. Analyze a theme: Have your kids analyze a theme from one of the plays.

31. Design a mask: Have your kids design a mask for a character from a play.

32. Make a paper mache sculpture: Have your kids make a paper mache sculpture of a character from a play.

33. Create a mural: Have your kids create a mural depicting a scene from a play.

34. Write a play: Have your kids write a play inspired by a Shakespeare play.

35. Read a sonnet: Have your kids read a sonnet out loud to each other.

These activities are sure to get your kids excited about Shakespeare, and will help them learn about his works in a fun and engaging way. So grab some paper, pencils, and a copy of a play and get started!

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