4 Sustainability Podcast Episodes to Help Make Your Classroom Green

As the world pivots towards a greener future, educators are seeking ways to integrate sustainability into their curriculum. To aid in this transformative process, we’ve compiled a list of four engaging podcast episodes that provide actionable insights and creative ideas for making your classroom more eco-friendly.
1. The EdTech Podcast – “172 – Sustainability in Education”
In this vital episode, listeners are introduced to innovative approaches for embedding sustainability in education. Featuring interviews with thought leaders and practitioners, this podcast offers practical solutions and discusses the impact of technology on sustainable education. Educators are left with ample ideas on reducing their classroom’s carbon footprint through clever use of digital resources.
2. Green Dreamer – “Teaching for the Future: Environmental Education”
Green Dreamer dives into environmental education and how it shapes the minds of tomorrow’s leaders. This episode explores experiential learning methods that teachers can incorporate into their lesson plans, promoting critical thinking about environmental issues among students. The unique aspect of this episode is its focus on weaving sustainability into various subjects rather than confining it to science classes alone.
3. The Sustainable Teacher – “Episode 7: Eco-Friendly Classroom Practices”
The Sustainable Teacher podcast is a treasure trove for educators looking to infuse eco-friendly practices into their teaching. Episode 7 specifically provides listeners with simple yet effective strategies to reduce waste and conserve energy in the classroom. From encouraging a paperless environment to organizing nature-based projects, this episode is packed with tips that can transform any educational space.
4. Mothers of Invention – “Climate Justice in the Classroom”
Hosted by former Irish President Mary Robinson and comedian Maeve Higgins, Mothers of Invention presents an enlightening discussion on climate justice within education systems. Touching upon how socio-economic factors intersect with environmental challenges, this episode helps educators understand how to address these complex topics in class comprehensively and compassionately.
These engaging podcast episodes serve as a fantastic resource for educators committed to fostering sustainable habits and thinking among their students. Whether they’re just beginning their journey or are seasoned veterans in green pedagogy, there’s something valuable to be found in each of these discussions.

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