49 Opinion Writing Prompts for Students

Opinion writing is a great way to get students involved in the writing process. It encourages them to take a stance on a given topic and express their thoughts and opinions clearly and concisely. To help students hone their opinion writing skills, here are 49 opinion writing prompts for students.

1. Is technology making us smarter, or is it actually making us dumber?
2. Should animals be kept in zoos?
3. Is online learning a good alternative to traditional schooling?
4. Is global warming real?
5. Should students be required to wear uniforms?
6. Should the drinking age be lowered?
7. Should recreational marijuana be legalized?
8. Is the death penalty effective?
9. Are video games beneficial or harmful?
10. Should parents have complete control over their children’s education?
11. Should social media be regulated?
12. Should guns be allowed on college campuses?
13. Should the government provide free college tuition?
14. Should the voting age be lowered?
15. Are self-driving cars a good idea?
16. Should the legal drinking age be the same as the legal driving age?
17. Should teachers be allowed to carry guns in schools?
18. Should the government regulate the internet?
19. Should the government fund space exploration?
20. Should the government fund alternative energy sources?
21. Should people be allowed to own exotic animals?
22. Should genetically modified foods be allowed?
23. Should cloning be allowed?
24. Should the government invest in renewable energy sources?
25. Should the minimum wage be increased?
26. Are nuclear weapons a good idea?
27. Are video games a waste of time?
28. Should internet censorship be allowed?
29. Should the government regulate the media?
30. Is human cloning ethical?
31. Should the use of drones be regulated?
32. Should online bullying be criminalized?
33. Should the government fund stem cell research?
34. Should there be a ban on plastic bags?
35. Should the government fund renewable resources?
36. Should all countries have the same tax rates?
37. Should the government provide free healthcare?
38. Should the government regulate the food industry?
39. Should the government fund the arts?
40. Should the government regulate the energy industry?
41. Should the government fund the development of green technology?
42. Should the government fund scientific research?
43. Should the government provide free childcare?
44. Should the government fund the development of renewable sources of energy?
45. Should the government fund sustainable agriculture?
46. Should the government fund renewable energy sources?
47. Should the government fund renewable energy sources for transportation?
48. Should the government provide free public transportation?
49. Should the government fund research into alternative sources of energy?

These opinion writing prompts are a great way to get students thinking about the world around them. Through expressing their opinions, students can better understand the issues that affect their lives and the lives of others. Additionally, opinion writing helps students hone their critical thinking and communication skills, which are essential for success in the modern world. 

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