5 Easy Ways to Teach Students Who Work Below Grade Level in Your Classroom

Some students who work below grade level in a classroom may be struggling with basic reading, math, or writing skills. It can be difficult for these students to keep up with the rest of the class, and it can be even more difficult for them to learn if they don’t feel like they are able to participate fully.

Here are five easy ways to help your students who work below grade level in your class:

1. Make sure the students are comfortable talking about what they are reading and doing math problems. This will help them feel more engaged in the class and more likely to be able to understand what is being taught.

2. Have the students share what they have learned in class with the rest of the class. This will help them feel more like they are a part of the class and more likely to be able to remember what they have learned.

3. Use scaffold learning techniques when teaching students who work below grade level. This will help them to understand the material more easily, and it will also help them to develop a sense of confidence in their ability to learn.

4. Give the students extra help when they need it. This will help them to feel more comfortable in the class and more likely to be able to participate fully.

5. Encourage the students to ask questions when they don’t understand what is being taught. This will help them to become more engaged in the class and more likely to remember what they have learned.

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